Unpredictable (Finale Part 1)

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Now that I think about it, maybe reacting upon impulse wasn't a good idea. Taking into account the events that came to pass, I probably should have thought this through. But at the same time, I'm happy that I didn't.

"What do you mean there's another MFD?!"

"It was hidden from Blue's previous scans."

"Please tell me it hasn't gone chrysalis yet!"

"It's gone chrysalis."


"No cursing, enana."

"But the Flash, Impulse and Kid Flash are already there."

"Yeah, and we're going to meet up with them. Backup."

"I'm coming."

"If you're going, then I'm going."

"Felicity, I think you should stay-"

"Hey, you said it yourself." I placed my hand on her shoulder and held up my fist. "Partners."

Smiling back at me, she did the same. "Partners."

Mariana shot us a questioning look before smiling, moving towards the boomtubes and gesturing towards them."As much as I love having both of you together again, we really gotta get this show on the road." It was odd to see Mariana so pushy, but I decided not to question it. For all I know, it could be the adrenaline.

"Oh, no, you don't. We're coming with you." I didn't even answer as the rest of the Runaways came to stand beside me.

"Sounds great. Now, can we go?"

And the next thing I knew, we arrived at the North Pole where Flash, Kid Flash, and Impulse ran around the now gone chrysalis MFD, in order to stop the Chrysalis Energy and shut it down. It seemed to be going alright, but things don't always go according to plan...

The adrenaline of the moment began to kick in as we watched all three speedsters run circles around the now active and soon to implode Chrysalis Energy. But something didn't feel right. I felt extremely uneasy as I watched them run in circles before turning to face a nervous-looking Mariana, and almost immediately, the world around me slowed down, coming to a complete halt in a matter of seconds. I had no idea what was going on, but a bunch of scenes suddenly flashed before my eyes. Mariana and Kid Flash as holograms while Virgil and I stared up at them; Claire placing her mask in front of Mariana's hologram; and then, Mariana taking off in a sprint towards the flowing Chrysalis energy, yelling before disappearing into the small blizzard. It quickly cut to our backup team that stared in shock, not daring to move in after her. When the speedsters managed to stop the chrysalis energy, the only people that stood in front of us were Impulse and the Flash... no Mariana and no Kid Flash...

"Kid, can you hear me?" A familiar voice rang through my racing mind. "Hey, chill for a moment and listen." Their voice came out muffled, but you could still understand it. "I'm trying really hard not to get the Martian's mind link up right now, so imma say this quickly. Mariana looks uneasy, doesn't she?" I could feel myself nod slowly. "That's my fault. I accidentally told her what was, will, and is going to happen to Kid Flash during this 'saving the world process.' And it isn't good. Look, I'm on my damned way, so don't -either of you- do anything stupid. And please, for everything that is most holy to us, do not tell her!" And with that, it vanished.

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