New powers

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Two days later and here we are, once again, in the same white and grey waiting room. I sat on the window seal with the window open and my injured leg dangling off the side. 

Two days later, and we still didn't know what would happen to us. We also didn't know what exactly happened between Ed and his father. We were all curious, but none of us made any move to ask. It was obviously a dodgy subject, and Ed didn't really seem like he was in the mood for a friendly chat about... himself...  at least, not just yet.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the soft breeze before slowly dozing off.


I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself floating. 'Oh, great. This again.' I looked around and noticed that I was in the middle of the sky. 'The hell?'

I heard laughter behind me and whipped around. I saw no one. I heard it again but above me. I looked up. Nothing. 'I don't like this! I don't like this one bit!!' This time I heard a giggle behind me. 'Oh, I don't want to! I don't want to look! This is how we die in horror films!' I let out a shaky breath before turning around. Nothing. Not a living soul. Nada. 'Oh, fiddlesticks! My brain hates me.'

I started looking around while hoping that there wouldn't be someone or something just casually in front of me. Luckily there was nothing... is what I would have said if it wasn't for the giant, flaming ball of burning sunshine headed in my direction, faster than the damned speed of light. And, of course... like any sensible person... I panicked. And then it clicked. 'This has happened before!'

But even with that realisation I still had no idea what to do. I was utterly defenseless! I didn't know how to activate my powers to make them work! They do that on their own! But nevertheless, I tried. And failed. I lifted both my arms up and held them in front of me. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I felt the mysterious force thing wrap around me again but didn't feel it leave... all I felt was the world-shaking, like crazy. I opened my eyes only to be met with the horrific sight of everything around me, shaking violently.

I started to freak... again. I looked around like crazy, completely forgetting about the flaming ball of doom headed my way. 'What's going on?! What's happening?!'

"Relax!" There was a voice... an elderly voice... of a man. 'Relax? H-how?'

I tried focusing on calming down, but that only made the world shake harder. 'Relax! Relax!' It wasn't working. If anything, it just made it worse. Why was this happening? What happened? What caused this? My mind was racing. I could feel myself growing dizzy.

"Felicity. You must try to calm down. There is no threat coming your way." The same voice said. It told me to calm down once more. "Look in front of you." I did as told. In front of me was a long string of confetti falling slowly and delicately. Though, it didn't seem to help. The world around me started to fall apart. I didn't understand. Were my powers the cause of this? Is this what happens when I try to use them when they don't want to be used?

In my state of confusion, a bright white light suddenly blinded me. It slowly started to change from white to grey, and from grey to black before turning blue.


My eyes shot open once again as I fell from the window seal onto the floor. I let out a small grunt of pain since my leg hit the window seal harshly before hitting the ground. My body felt like something was radiating off of it. It felt like some type of pressure was surrounding it.

I noticed that I was sweating and my breathing wasn't steady. I also noticed that my hands were shaking as I used them to support myself. "Hey, are you-" Whoever was speaking suddenly stopped, and I heard something hitting the wall and shattering on the other side of the room.

"Hey, chica! It's ok! Just relax." Relax! I needed to relax! 'Felicity! Relax! Chill! Calm down!' But it wasn't working... it only made me shake harder.

I heard someone approaching me. I felt the weird force/pressure thing shift outwards before hearing a slam and a grunt. I looked up and saw Virgil laying on the floor next to the wall and Asami going over to check to see if he was alright. 'There's a dent... oh, god, I did that!' I began to panic. I also noticed the vase that was supposed to have been next to the window was now next to the door, in pieces.

"Felicity!" I turned my head to Tye, who held his hands in front of him, taking cautious steps forward. He was trying to approach me! I forced my body against the corner of the wall in between two giant flower pots.

"Don't!" He stopped. "I-I don't want to hurt anyone." I could feel the tears forming in the corner of my eyes. "Please..." I closed my eyes and put my face in my hands. Unbeknown to me, Tye had resumed his slow pace in my direction. Unfortunately, my powers noticed and repelled him into the wall next to Virgil. I gave out a squeak of fright when I heard the noise.

I knew I had done it again. The moment the force surrounding me shifted, I knew it had knocked someone back, but I couldn't look up. I was far too scared. So, I just quietly sobbed into my hands. 'Please don't hurt anyone.' I silently begged to my power, even though I was well aware that it wouldn't help.

After about two minutes, I heard footsteps heading towards me. I felt one of the vases shift next to me before it's presence completely disappeared and yet another crashing sound was heard followed by a few gasps. And that's when I felt it. A presence suddenly appeared next to me as two hands were placed on my shoulders. My head shot up from my hands, and I looked to see whose hands were on my shoulders. I stood there bewildered staring at Ed, who looked just as confused as me.

"H-How?" I could feel the weird pressure that was surrounding me slowly dissipate before completely vanishing.

"I-I don't know..." And then... he collapsed. On instinct, my arms shot forward, and I caught him before he could hit the ground.


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