No idea where I Am

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"You know, if I hadn't known you were coming, I'd be surprised that you're asking me for help and not your little hero group." The eldest female laughed loudly causing everyone around them to look their way in annoyance.

"Right now isn't the right time to ask them for help, especially, after what happened with Arsenal and the others."

"Understandable. So, you want to know where they are, right?"


"The Arsenal kid ended up agreeing to his first instinct even though he didn't want to." The younger female sighed and nodded.

"So they're with Green?"

"He gave them a place. Anything to get his ex-pupil to forgive him."

"Sounds like him." The female grabbed the baseball bat that sat neatly next to her and got up. Before getting the chance to walk away she was stopped by the sound of the older female's voice.

"Don't go doing anything stupid or I'll break that precious bat of yours."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Opening my eyes, I took in the white-walled and wood-floored room, covered in purple things. 'I have no idea where I am.' The place looks a bit like my own room, but without all my stuff. And unlike my room, there were things all over the place. A few sneakers along with some clothes were scattered around the room, be it on the floor or atop furniture.

My eyes travelled around the place, looking up and down the walls covered in pictures that I paid no mind to, a few posters held themselves up. They were Frozen, Tangled and Pocahontas posters with the names plastered on with big letters and the characters standing next to them. There was also a small bookshelf in one corner of the room that consisted of scientific books alongside some fantasy and mystery ones. Soon, my gaze landed upon a desk, just a few centimetres from a bed with light blue and purple covers placed against a wall, leaving no space for a bedside table.

There, on the desk, sat a short-haired girl. Lose papers, a computer, coloured pens, and some open books littered the desk and the floor around it. The girl had her back turned to the door of the room as she worked on the computer while furiously scribbling on some papers before ripping them in half and throwing them into a small bin under the desk.

"Felicity, you should probably rest a little." The voice came out soft and low with a hint of worry and annoyance lacing around it. Some noticeable traits of the voice was the slight trace of raspiness and force hidden behind the softness. There was a strong Hispanic accent and the voice was, by the sound of it, female.

The sound of my name caught both me and the girl sitting at the desk off guard, causing my body to stiffen in surprise and the girl to drop everything she was doing with a loud yelp.

My body was about to turn towards the voice, but was, unfortunately, interrupted by the harsh blow of reality that thought it would be a good idea to throw an ice-cold bucket of "Get up" on me. And in the process, incapacitating me from seeing the owner of the voice and the short-haired girl's face, since she seemed to be turning around. Gee, thanks.


My consciousness slowly started to re-surface resulting in me opening my tired eyes and being greeted by blissful darkness. The only illumination that was given came from the moon that stood tall in the sky, just outside the window, making the unfamiliar environment look somewhat creepy and lonely.

I noticed Sam sleeping on a bed next to the one I was within. She looked peaceful which only became more evident by her soft snoring. If she snores softly it means she's comfortable, learned that the hard way. In Star, she would be very unsteady while sleeping and would snore quite loudly, but when we ran away, she became peaceful... almost... angelic.

I looked forward and saw a closed door. Throwing my legs off the side of the bed I pushed myself onto my feet and into my sneakers. Once in front of the door,  my hand met the cold doorknob and twisted it, opening it and allowing me to walk out.

The environment that stood beyond the door was even more unfamiliar than the room I had just walked out of. I wasn't met with a long hallway like what I'm used to, but instead I was greeted by a gloomy-looking living room/dining room, that consisted of: two big windows on one of the walls; a few smaller windows on the same wall; two doors, that I assumed led to different parts of the house/apartment; two couches parallel to each other and a TV in front of them; and last, but not least, a table with chairs around it.

The place, at least at the moment, gave off an unpleasant vibe be it because I had no idea where I am or because my brain was still somewhat foggy from sleep, it made me feel uneasy. As much as I'd like to find the light switch and flip the lights on, I decided against it since I'd much rather not attract any unwanted attention.

It would still take some time until I was fully back to my senses, so I did what any sensible person would do... I decided to explore the unfamiliar territory which could, inevitably, get me killed or in trouble. I looked to the left of the room I had walked out of and saw four more doors.

Taking a few hesitant steps towards the doors, my hands met the knob as my feet settled in front of it. One doorknob twist later and here we are staring at a snoring Virgil who was already half out of the bed with his head on the floor, arms above it and sleeping sideways within the bed, probably losing all his comfort. On the other bed in the room, was Tye who was peacefully sleeping with his hands on his stomach looking like a body in a sarcophagus... peaceful nonetheless... I guess...

Making sure not to make noise, though, the door seemed to have it out for me as it creaked loudly, I closed it and moved to the next one. Opening it, I was met with the beautiful image of Ed sleeping like a newly born baby, minus the crying, of course. He was snoring softly and had the cover wrapped tightly around him creating a sort of cacoon. 'Peaceful children.'

After having been blessed by all the sleeping faces of my friends I moved towards the third door and opened it with caution. All I saw was a bathroom, or what I assumed to be one. It was hard to tell since the small window at the very top and center of the wall parallel of the door was the only illumination, and it seemed to have been created with the sole purpose of not allowing the moon to shine its light.

Rolling my eyes, I, once more, moved to the side, this time though, landing on the fourth and final door. I don't know why, but this door made me extra anxious, maybe it's because it's the last door or maybe it's because I already saw all my friends so now I'm frightened of what I might find since I know they're safe and sound.

Taking in a long breath I placed my shaky hand on the doorknob. Funny, I hadn't noticed I was shaking... guess that's what happens when you become very anxious. Letting the heavy breath out I pushed the door open, watching it go back before softly hitting the wall making a small numb sound.

There was a bed on one side of the room right under the window. A small bedside table stood next to it with a small lamp and gadgets that I dare not describe for I may insult someone if I try. The room was empty as the bed looked like it hadn't been touched and been made to look perfect.

Blinking in surprise I stretched my arm into the room, quickly grabbed the door and closed it, just in case. I moved my body to look behind me and was once again met with the gloomy-looking living/dining room that stared back at me, unchanged. Sighing, I moved around it as the moon illuminated everything through the windows making it all look somewhat worn out and like the perfect picture.

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