Escaping... again

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Hola! Como están?
Good, I hope.
Welcome to another chapter into the madness of my brain!


After lunch, we went back into the hellhole, and It was my turn to have the stupid wires on me, so I could "train" my powers. "Alright, Felicity, try to repel the trash can across the room." Wilcox's voice rang through the "training room" making me roll my eyes. 'I could very well do that just by walking over to it and kicking it.'

Even though I was quite obviously annoyed, I complied nevertheless, but not before mumbling incoherent curse words, in Italian, under my breath. "Just concentrate. It's not that hard." I mumbled while sternly staring at the metal trash can in front of me. I slowly brought my left hand up and stretched it towards the can.

Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised, I mean I knew my powers wouldn't work. They still haven't exactly been working since the incident one-month ago. Everyone is taking it as a "you are in control of your powers" kinda thing. And by "everyone," I mean the scientists. Totally not annoying.

Though, Dr. Wilcox obviously wasn't pleased. He made me try again for 2 hours, though he did, of course, try and diversify what I had to repel. On some things, it was somewhat successful, like when a tennis ball machine was placed a few feet in front of me and the balls just started shooting at me in an inhuman speed. I was able to repel a few but was still hit by the vast majority. When it got to 4 hours Wilcox decided to try and get me to repel the trash can once more. And surprise, surprise! It didn't work. 

Once more, he told me to try again. It got the point that I was already so pissed that I just ripped the wires off of me, walked over to the can, brought my right foot back and kicked. "Oh, would you look at that, it was thrown across the room. Ya happy now?" I turned back to see a semi-fuming Wilcox who was struggling to try and keep his temper under control.

This whole "training" process continued for the next couple of hours, with everyone else having to go forward and "train". That is until Wilcox told us that we were done. "That's enough for today. We'll begin again promptly at 0600 hours tomorrow." We all let out groans of annoyance, well except for Asami who didn't seem to understand.

Wilcox looked at Sam before speaking again. "Mou oshimai. Oyasuminasai, Asami-San. (That's it. Goodnight, miss Asami.)" (AN: Forgive me if I am incorrect. I just checked out google translator and a fan wiki of Young Justice)

She looked at him for a second before answering with a straight face. "Domo" Or in other words, thank you if my Japanese knowledge is correct.

Virgil, Sam and Nate all began to take off the wires that were connecting them to those stupid machines, that I wanted to see explode or at least malfunction. "Please tell me that you're not serious about running." The voice obviously belonged to Nate, since everyone else was on board with the whole escaping plan. Well, kind of since Sam didn't really understand (AN: I'm just going to continue pointing that out XD).

"Running, escaping-" Virgil started.

"-Taking the freedom that's rightfully ours." I continue while taking off my lab rat uniform, revealing my plain long sleeve, black shirt and my black combat pants. All this while mindlessly looking at the ground.

"Whatever you want to call it. We're gone." Vir finished as he stared at Nate before taking off his uniform, revealing his underclothes, and grabbing his duffle bag that contains some more pieces of our clothing.

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