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'I gotta be crazy...' My idea of whom to ask for help, still hadn't changed. I knew exactly who to ask, she had the capabilities to help me find Claire... the problem would be explaining everything.

A while after running I found myself in a small street with houses all stacked next to each other... a very familiar place. I ran past the houses until I saw the one I was looking for. Running up the small stairs I knocked in the door. And knocked. And knocked. 'Come on! She's gotta be here!' Not even two seconds later and the door shot open.

A young woman stood in the doorway. Left-hand holding the door open while the right hand held a baseball bat. "What!?" Her blond hair was a mess, shooting up in every side. She had her eyes half-closed and was lightly sawing from side to side. 'Of course, she was sleeping...'

"I need your help."

"What the- What are you doing here, chica?"

"I need your help."

"You've been gone for two months, where have you-"

"No time, we need to find Claire."

"Why? What's wrong with mi hermana?"

"... I'll tell you on the way." I was already turning away when she grabbed my shoulder.

"On the way? On the way to where?!" I stopped. That was a good question... I still didn't know where to look. 'She had said something about docks...'

"She said that she was in some kind of docks..."

"I'm sorry docks? Doesn't mi hermana live in El Paso or am I missing something?" I bit my lip slightly and shook my head.

"I... I don't know how she got there... but we gotta find her." She raised a brow before closing her eyes and letting out a sigh.

"Ok, chica- " She got cut off by her phone ringing. Digging her hand into one of her pockets she grabbed her phone and looked at it. "I know where she is." I stared.

"What?" She retreated back into her house and closed the door. She came back out, not even a minute later with some weird clothes, car keys and her baseball bat.

"Let's go." She walked over to a rundown Jeep. 'Since when does she own one of those?' "Get in the car."

I did as told and sat on the passenger's seat. She swiftly got in and started the engine. That's when it hit me. "Uh... Mariana..."


"Do you... do you know how to... to drive?"

"Of course, I do!" Oh, no... time to buckle up and hope for the best. The moment the car started I watched my life flash before my eyes. I'm gonna die. In less than two seconds she was already driving at an incredibly dangerous speed and had somehow managed to make the car jump... twenty times.

"Shouldn't you drive just a tad bit more carefully?!"

"What do you mean?! This is careful!"

"Not really!" I didn't have time to say anything else. Mariana grabbed something from one of her pockets and put it on her ear before talking.

"Hey, dude what's up?" She stayed silent for a moment as a small buzzing sound left the earpiece in her ear. "I'm fine." Silence again. "You sure it's the right way? Why I ask? Cause I know you! And this is important." She stopped for a second and sighed. "I'll be fine... I got backup." I turned my head to the side and looked out the window. "I'm not going back hermano. Yeah... yeah... I'll tell you how it goes. Yeah, adios."

She brought her hand back up to the earpiece and clicked on it. "Friend of yours?"

"How'd you guess, kid?" I shrugged. "Ok, start talking. What happened to mi hermana? These past two months included."

"You won't believe me..."

"I've got a gun over here, I'd advise you to start talking, kid!"

I let out a sigh, time to come clean. "You know how I've been gone for two months?"


"Well, the night I disappeared, Maria called me saying that-"

"That she was in America, yeah, I know. Claire called me so that I'd take her to the airport. You kids, seriously gotta get better timing! I was trying to sleep."

"Yeah, well, I was going to meet them there but... I kinda got... uh... kidnapped?" That wasn't supposed to come out as a question.

"I'm sorry, did you say kidnapped?"


"By who?!"

"The Reach..." The car came to a sudden stop making me almost fly out the window. Mariana stared out the window with a pissed off expression before muttering something and continuing on.


"They kept me and some others for a month." I saw her nod, saying continue again. "And I kinda got powers now..."

"What kind?"

"I can repel stuff."

"Cool. Now, what about the other month?"

"We were saved by some heroes and taken to Star. We escaped Star a week ago."


"Me and some others..."

"Ok... so now what? You think they're after Claire?"

"Star? No. The Reach? Yeah..." I sighed again. Oh, I would so regret this later. "You know Jaime?"

"Claire's boyfriend? Yeah, what about him?"

"He's with the Reach." Her eyes widened slightly before narrowing.

"I knew I never liked that guy."

"I think he's being controlled... but that doesn't matter right now since he's trying to get Claire."

"Kid, you better hold on to something. Real tightly."

"Wait, why-" The car suddenly got faster and I almost became part of the seat. My hands shot up to my chest as my eyes closed.

In a matter of minutes, we arrived at our destination. The docks. Which? I got no idea. Mariana kicked her door open and grabbed the bat. I followed, but instead of kicking the door, I opened it. My legs felt like jello which made it somewhat difficult to walk.

"Alright, chica listen up." I looked at her. "We're gonna split up." I nodded. "You go that way and I go this way." She pointed behind me before pouting behind herself. "If you find her call me."

"But I don't-" A paper was shoved into my face, cutting me off.

"Now you do. So call me if you find her." Immediately turning her back to me she was about to bolt off.

"What if you find her? You don't have my number."

"We'll find you."


"Just trust me, K?" I reluctantly nodded. She was about to walk away but stopped and turned back to me. "If anything happens, aim this at the sky and fire."

"What is-"

"Smoke signal. Be careful." And she was gone.


Next Chapter Preview:

"Claire!" I wanted to run to her but my body felt heavy, incapacitating my movements.

"You meat bags truly are a handful." I helplessly watched as Black Beetle walked over to Claire and picked her up.

"No... Claire..."

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now