How did you-

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I tried to move around the room silently, ignoring the sound of some creaking floorboards and the piercing silence of the night when the boards were silenced.

This place was honestly unnerving to walk around at night, but I wanted to see what laid behind the other two doors. Behind the first one was a white-walled and black floored kitchen with black and white counters, a fridge and a stove. In the middle sat a black and white countered island, one door leading to a small pantry, one small window and a door leading to a balcony that I would most certainly not walk through since I'm not a fan of balconies.

Once out of the kitchen my attention shifted to the second door I wanted to explore, like an idiot. A small key stand was hung up next to the door, though, it was empty. 'It's probably the front door...' My next decision was to go for a walk. You know, what smart people do... at night... in an unknown place... with aliens roaming about. Anyway, I was already prepared to open the door when I was interrupted before having the chance to do so.

"It's locked." I held myself from screaming as I whipped around to look at the individual who thought it would be fun to give me a heart attack at night in an unknown place. The voice was that of a male if my ears aren't tricking me. Whoever spoke had a hint of amusement laced with annoyance in their voice, and they didn't seem to be in the best mood.

I could feel my heartbeat, slowly going into steady pace once more, as I saw the person's identity. Arsenal. I really wasn't fond of the guy right now!
"Would you, please, not do that!"

"You'd make more noise trying to open that door then you did walking around here."

"Oh... uh... thanks... I guess..." And that awkward silence fell upon the land as it usually does in these kinds of situations. "So... uh... when did we get here?"

"Thirty-one hours ago."

"We've been sleeping for two days?!"

"Almost. You're all heavy sleepers."

I shrugged. "Not very surprising in pure honesty." I looked at him for a second, realizing only now that he was sited on one of the window seals. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"What's it matter to you?"

"I take it you don't want to talk."

"Well, gee! I'm surprised you noticed."


"What? Gonna be all pouty, now?"

His response made me, against my best wishes, pout. "No..." What he did next surprised me. He laughed. 'I did not expect that.' I felt like now he was just making fun of me and enjoying to watch me suffer. Turning around, I crossed my arms over my chest. "You act like a mean older brother..." I sounded like a mumbling child that had just become all sulky.

Once again, his laugh filled the mostly quiet room. "And you act like an annoying younger sister." I'm not sure if we're getting along, but I actually fought back a laugh. 'Either I got this guy to not have a problem with me or I'm gonna die.'

Ironically, just as fast as this little moment began it dissipated into the Netherlands, never to be heard of again as his face fell back into a scowl the moment I turned back around. "If you want to go out here's the key."

Before I had a chance to process his words something hit me in the forehead, making me stumble back a little in surprise and stretch my hands out to catch what had hit before I lost it on the floor. Something small and cold fell onto my hands. Obviously, it was the key. "Uh... thanks!"

His only response was a grunt as he moved to look outside, ignoring the rest of my measly existence. 'What a sweetheart!' Without a second to lose, I put the key into the door, turned it and pulled the door open.

I was met with a long hallway with a few doors on each side and two elevators at the end of it. The lights turned on as soon as my presence was known, which was great... except that the lights were fading making me feel uneasy again.

Moving to stand outside the door, I looked back at Arsenal who was already holding up a second key. "I have one. So take the one you have." I nodded, took the key from the door and closed it. "And don't get caught." Not sure if I heard him correctly or if he even actually said anything, but I could have sworn I heard his voice right when the door closed.

With a shiver running up and down my spine, I walked to the elevators and called one of them up. It took three minutes to get to me and once it did, I hurriedly rushed inside and pressed the button to the ground floor. I counted how many levels I passed so that I had an idea which one I descended from. Once at the bottom, I walked out of the building only to be greeted by the cold night air hitting me straight in the face. It was both cold and dark with the street lamps flickering every now and then. The moon was now hidden behind some passing clouds which only made the environment around me creepier.

My body was itching for me to turn around and go back into the building and back into bed, but my brain wanted to walk and get all the worries out of my head. So, right now, they were trying to kill each other.

"So, kid, how's it going?" A scream ran passed my lips as my arms threw themselves up and my hands balled into fists and were thrown forward, following after my body that turned around.

I didn't get the chance to hit anything since whoever had spoken had grabbed my wrists and forced them to my sides. Looking up at the person, my heart rate calmed down and a heavy breath flew passed my lips. "Mariana?! How did you-"

"I got friends in low places."

"I'm not even sure I want to know."

"You will soon enough."

"Sounds great, but can you... I don't know... let me go? You're kinda hurting my arms."

Realizing what I had said, Mariana quickly dropped my wrists and patted my head. "Sorry about that, chica. Guess we're both jumpy."

Caressing my wrists I nodded at her. "Don't worry about it. It's understandable."

"So, how's the new house?"

"I've been sleeping till now so I'm still not used to it."

"Almost two days of sleep? Damn, the Warworld must have taken a lot out of you."

"Yeah, it di-" My mouth stopped itself and my eyebrows raised slightly before narrowing as I heard her words. "How do you know about the Warworld?" I wasn't gonna lie to her since she can tell when I do... so, I might as well ask how she knows. If she doesn't want me to know she's going end up bringing up some excuse.

"What's a Warworld?" And the dumb question has been asked. 'She's not good at acting stupid.'

"Mariana, how do you know I was there? And don't lie." One sign to know if she's uncomfortable or said something she wasn't supposed to, is when she starts fiddling with her hands or, in this case, with her baseball bat that she did not have five seconds ago.

Sighing she brought one of her hands to my shoulder. "I hate when I have to come clean. Ok, so the thing is..."


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Closing the door, I looked in the direction of the windows. No Arsenal.

Rolling my eyes I moved to stand next to one of the smaller windows before placing my hands on the window seal and pushing myself onto it. Inevitably, sitting down as I wanted.

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