Holografic Memories (Epilogue)

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The rough sound of a car engine suddenly stopping shot into the night air, breaking through the silence and announcing to everyone in a ten-mile radius that the old, rundown Jeep was there.

After a few seconds of nothing happening, the car doors opened and a bunch of feet collided with the soft, grassy ground. While three of those feet went in one direction, the fourth went another, stopping momentarily in front of a small batch of stairs before jumping over them and knocking on the door.

The inhabitants of the house stopped eating their dinner and turned to look at the door. They heard the loud engine, but they hadn't expected a knock on their front door as they hadn't been expecting any visits. The adults, immediately, became worried and unsure, thinking that if there was someone in their porch waiting to talk to them, it couldn't be a good thing. They cautiously went to answer the door while their daughter sat in confusion watching.

A knock rang through the closed door, invading the comfortable silence of the night and running through the quiet house. No one answered the door, not immediately, at least. It took a few more knocks for an elderly woman (A/N: If this is offensive in any way, shape or form, I apologise, but, at least, where I'm from this isn't considered offensive unless you put it specifically in an insulting tone.) to open the door, she, of course, was reluctant to do such a thing in the middle of the night, but the chance of finding her granddaughter standing in her front porch was enough to make up her mind.

Hope shot through her heart, and she could feel the adrenaline kick in for a moment as her hand reached for the locked door and proceeded to unlock it and open it, and in a matter of seconds, her hope was crushed into smithereens of nothingness as she's met with the heart-broken faces of the small group of teens that stood in front of her. She recognized the duo immediately, which caused a tinge of hope to return, but once she caught a glimpse of her granddaughter's best friend's faces, it vanished again, and she knew why they were there.

Stepping aside, she allowed them in, saying nothing as they- in a single file- walked into her living room followed by one well-known woman. Before she had time to react, the elderly woman grabbed her arm, forcing her to a halt as she spoke in a sombre voice, "Where is my granddaughter? Valerie... where's mi Nipotina?"


As soon as the words left the smaller boy's lips, the tallest of the two fell back onto his seat and dropped his face into his hands. He felt the world around him stop as the words made their way into his nervous system, and, for a moment, he was happy that he no longer had his powers as they would have surely blown out of control.

He allowed himself to grieve and feel guilty for not stopping his friends from running away but stopped after taking notice of the younger boy's distress, noticing, almost immediately, that he too was suffering, and not only that, but he obviously didn't know how to handle telling the older boy of the events or watching him slowly understand and react accordingly to how he, himself, felt.

The scene replayed in his mind as he made his way up the stairs towards his family's apartment. He still couldn't believe it... he felt like he could have- no, should have done something rather than watch blankly and let it happen, but what could he have done? How could he have stopped those events from taking place when one moment, he was being dragged by an unknown force towards his friend and the next he's watching her disappear from his sight... there was nothing he could have done.

By the time he arrived at his apartment, the door was already open and his parents stood there with open arms, thanking the heavens that their son was safe. He knew that he should have been happy to see them... I mean, he was, but he should have been happier...

The sun was rising quickly, and the woman knew that she should be sleeping, but she couldn't shake off this weird feeling of worry. She knew why she was worried, I mean, she'd been that way for two months... two whole months... that's how long it had been since she had last seen her son. She clutched the wooden framed picture tightly in her hand as she stared at it. Why didn't she listen to Jaime? He was more worried than her, and he tried to look for her son when she didn't... not until it was too late, that's when she began worrying. Only after the police had taken her boyfriend, did her son's disappearance actually make its presence known. She had been so worried thinking of her own problems that she hadn't taken the time to think of his.

A slow knock erupted form the other side of the closed door, cutting her train of thought and self-loathing off. Setting the framed picture down, she quickly moved to answer it, opening it slowly and peaking outside. She felt time stop for a moment as she took in the sight before her.

Happiness rushed through her veins as she threw the door open and hugged her son, completely ignorant of the young girl watching from the sidelines. He returned the hug but was quick to break away and bring the girl forward, explaining the situation to his mother as best he could given his fuzzy mind and asking her to let the Japanese girl stay with them.

The woman stared at their intertwined hands and accepted without question. The last thing she wanted was to lose him again, plus now there would be another female in the house. She let them inside, allowing them to rest. Her son and his girlfriend looked exhausted, not just physically, but mentally as well. She could tell there was something wrong and that neither of them was hurt, but it was evident that their emotions were scattered all over the place, but she didn't know why... maybe, they would tell her when they felt comfortable enough. For now, she would let it be.


The blond woman stared sadly at her friend/ex-teammate, and her younger sister's best friend's holograms. Her hair fell messily onto her face serving as curtains, hiding her desperation and heart-break from the world's nosy eyes as it patiently waited for her to break down and give it the satisfaction of knowing that it got to her.

"I'm sorry..."


"Alison, honey, come on! You're going to be late! And I'm not letting you stay home because you're late and, I quote: "Can't go to school if I am already late. It honestly makes no sense". I fell for it once, but never again."

"I'm coming!" The 11-year-old girl yelled from upstairs before giddily jumping down the steps and landing in from of her impatient mother. "Ready, mom."

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