Chapter 6

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When I have realized I have overslept with the sack covering my face, I happen to feel as if something or someone was holding me princess style with his first hand carrying my back and the other carrying my legs. I had to admit, he is warmer than my Grandpa's apartment.

"Oh, no! Grandpa!"I yelled so loud that I managed to fall on my butt and hurry up and take the sack off of my face. To tell you the truth, I wish I hadn't done that because when I did, all I can see is four 5 foot turtles geared up with ninja weapons.

I just stood frozen, like the way I did to The Foot Clan. I didn't decide whether I should run or what I had to hear to the 5 foot talking turtles.

"Um, miss. Please don't freak out." As I looked at the orange masked turtle who has the teenager voice. "I'll give you a hug if you don't." I tried to speak when the blue masked turtle interrupted me. "Sorry to interrupt, but there is some explaining we have to get through. But first, Let me introduce ourselves. I am Leonardo; the Leader," when Leonardo pointed to the purple masked turtle, "This is Donatello; The Brains", as 'Donatello' smiled at me with a gap on his front teeth. To be nice, I smiled back. His face turned red like a tomato.

"S-sorry, I like someone." As he spoke timidly. When Leonardo pointed to the red masked, "This is Raphael; The Hothead. "I AM NOT, LEO!!" As Raph's face turned red like Donatello's. "Ha, ha, ha," Mikey laughing, "He is a hot- head after all" As Raphael starts to growl like a lion fixing to attack his prey, he runs to chase Mikey and beat him up. (I heard 'Mikey's' name before I got the sack in my head, so yeah.)

When I started to look around of where I was, I decided to look at my left, which it appears to be like a Japanese style of a study room where the fancy rug was and a T.V. Wait, a T.V.? It must be at hotel or something. Let me ask Leo. ( It's shorter to say Leonardo, so whatever). "Um", as I tried to poke Leo on the back of his left shoulder since he was paying attention to his brothers, "Yes, miss", as he turned around before I poked him. It's like he knew I was going to poke him, whoa! "I, uh? I stuttered with my arms behind my back and head facing down.

"You seemed confused? Are you ok?" "Well, you see, I-", "The point is I-" I sighed, speechless. "Just in case you are wondering, we are at the downtown sewers and we are waiting for our master to be awake so you can introduce him." "In-introduce him", As I looked up to where I can see his ocean blue eyes and blue mask, acting shy and nervous at the same time. "Don't worry, he would never hurt you like the way the foot clan would." "F-foot clan?"

Before Leo can answer, on the left corner of my left eye I saw a 6 foot rat opening a slide door and staring at me like I was a person all beat up with bruises on my face. I became still with my hands still behind my back.

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