Chapter 12

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It has been three months since I have learned the truth about the turtles' existence and my godfather. My school has been closed ever since the hijacked incident and I watch the news every single day just to make sure it will be opened.

"You still miss school?", Raph asks me as he sits down next to me on the floor close to the T.V." "Yeah." as I sigh and look down at the same time feeling grief go into my mind again. Just when I was about to grab the remote that was between me and Raph, his left hand touches my right, trying to grab the remote as well, I think. My heart was beating three times faster than any of the situations I have gone through.

I looked up at his beautiful, bright green eyes which was still facing my hand touching his and wait for him to see what might happen.

Raph's P. O. V.

What am I doing?! I'm supposed to be socializing her, not touching her. I really can't take it anymore. Ever since Claresa has been staying with us, I start to have strange feelings around her. She's even in my dreams for no reason. I guess I really do like her after all. She may hate me for doing something foolish, but let's just hope she'll hear me out after I do it. 😰

Claresa's P.O.V.

When I see Raph's eyes meet mine, my heart feels like it's about to burst with embarrassment. I decided to talk first. "R-raph? A-re you.." Then all of a sudden, Raph's lips touch mine with his eyes closed, have to admit, his lips are very soft. He placed my hand; from touching the remote; puts it on his left cheek and placed his right hand on my left.

So I guess the 'talk' was true, Raphael Hamato does has feelings for me. To tell you the truth, no boy has ever done something so sweet to me. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

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