Chapter 27

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The alarm went off, playing the melody and I quickly opened my eyes.

I hurried out of the bed and saw what time it was, 7:30.

Wait, what am I doing in my room?

I gasped. "GRAMPA!"

I turned off the alarm, rushed out of the room and found Grampa reading a newspaper on his favorite rocking chair, not pale.

He looks up and smiles.

"Good morning, my Fräulein. You excited for school?"

I stutter.

"I-I..... I saw you. Y-you were attacked."

He chuckles.

"I almost forgot to tell you, once you came home, I passed out from drinking too much of that sweet tea you made and your friends came over at four in the morning. Such fine gentlemen. I actually saw them as turtles."

He laughs.

"Can't you believe I saw your friends as turtles? They were nice, so nice."

I sigh in relief.

"Oh, Grampa."

He smiles and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, close to the door and looks back at me.

"It's 8:00. You have forty-five minutes to get ready. Don't want to be late."

I jumped and dashed into my room, feeling excited about school and seeing my old friends and teachers. Thank you, Grampa.

Oh, right, the 'thanking you' part.

I got my stuff ready, got dressed, wearing bootcut jeans, with a solid gray T-shirt and closed my bedroom door after I walked out.

I set my bag on the couch and quickly hug Grampa so tight that I can hear his heartbeat.

"Thank you for letting me stay with my friends. And thank you for the supplies and thank you for everything."

I close my eyes tight and kiss Grampa on the forehead.

I grabbed my bag, walk out without looking back, and head my way out to school.

My phone starts to ring the tune on my alarm and I read the profile on the front screen, Raph.

I accept the call and place the phone on my left ear, walking my way to school.


"Hey, Clare." says Raph so softly on the phone.

"You excited for today?"

"Am I?!" I said satisfied.

"Well, I know it sounds rhetorical, but you had me worried last night, I was asleep so I kind of got the phone a lil' too late, sorry."

"No need, Grampa claimed that he drank so much of my sweet tea he actually hallucinated, seeing you as five foot turtles, so it's cool."

I hear Raph holding his laughter on the phone, making snorting noses.

"I'm close by your school... thank goodness 8:00 is still dark."

I sigh, giggling.

"Oh, you. Well I'm almost there, just two more blocks."

"I know, I see you."

My eyes widened and I stopped walking.

I slowly look up to see if Raph was either on top of the school building or a few blocks close to where I'm at. I can't see him with so much clouds and moon reflecting the dark blue sky. He must have really good eyesight.

I start walking again and pass one block. And another. Now made it to my 2nd year of Willow Creek Junior High School.

I look up to see if Raph was anywhere near the school.

"I'm here." I said awkward.

"Alright, call me when school's over, I'll be watching you just in case."

I giggle and look straight toward my school, seeing hundreds of kids entering the building and seeing each other's friends, until I see the girl, who made a huge confession to me at the news, Stacy White, looking around the perimeter looking for someone.

"I'll call you back, I promise." I said.

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye." I took the phone out of my ear and hung up. Time to have the best six months of school in my life.

I look both ways of the street and walk to the school, heading towards Stacy White, my believer, MY hero.

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