Chapter 21

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I come back to reality when I first thought of how hard I beaten up those losers who was hurting an innocent girl who had a smarter brain than them. *scoffs* Things will never change.

"Claresa?" Sensei acting worried whether I was in that stage again.

I open my eyes from thinking too much and look up slowly. "Yes?"

"You weren't saying a word for at least ten minutes. I think you should get some rest."

Ten minutes?! It felt like eight seconds. UGH! Saturdays are so quick!!!

"Ok, thank you for the tea. It was delicious."

"You are welcome and you are dismissed."

I bow down to where my nose touches the floor and walk out of the dojo, exhausted.

"Hey." When I hear a voice that sounds like that person got beaten up. I raise my head up quick like a bird, making wide eyes feeling terrified that today was not a dream, nor fantasy, but reality and guiltiness.

"R-Raph! Y-You should be recovering, not walking in severe injuries! And-"

"I'm fine, really." He replied in a soft voice that sounds like a purr.

"In case if you're wondering, it's been four hours that I had slept and I feel better now, thanks to Donny's help."

"WHAT?! FOUR HOURS? I JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO SENSEI IN THE DOJO JUST 15 SECONDS AGO AND IT FELT LIKE!!!! UGH!!!" as I slap my hand on my forehead humiliated as always. "TIME IS TOO FAST!!"

Raph chuckles with his eyes closed.

"And that's another reason why I like you."

I gasped, feeling like I just want to hug Raph so tight and tell him that I love him, but since I am so stupid to have hurt him, I can't.

"Hey." Raph walks up to me putting his hand on my shoulder, so gentle and warm.

"It's ok. I forgive you." And he pats on my shoulder, telling me to not reveal the 'secret' by hugging or kissing. I smiled. "Thank you."

"MY SONS!!!" Sensei snapped his voice so loud like someone's life was dying in front of his eyes.

Leo, Donny, and Mikey ran out of their rooms and stood in a line, still. "Hai, Sensei!"

"I have meditated so much that I felt something very dark coming its way to New York." He closed his eyes and squeezed his round cuff of his stick. "The Foot is back."

I gasped in fear and started to shake and whimper.

"B-but I thought they would-"

"No biggie, Clare." Says Mikey with a smile. "We have been kicking ninja butt for ten months and all they like to do is make our days by kicking ninja butt!"

"But this is totally different from what Sensei's talking about, right Sensei? " Leo says facing Sensei.

"Yes, and we must protect from what they are looking for."

Everyone nods and face me like I'm the one that did something wrong.

"W-what do you mean?" I whimpered.

"Not only just the Foot are after you, Claresa." Sensei replied.

"In what exactly do you mean, Sensei?" Leo asks like Sensei is going to say something that I really don't want him to say.

But he does.

Sensei opens his eyes and looks straight at me.

"The Shredder is coming for you, Claresa Shimada."

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