Chapter 9

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I started to feel comfortable with the situation of the rat, known as Hamato Yoshi; referred to Master Splinter, telling his story about how he knew my parents in grade school all the way to high school in Japan. When they started to go their separate ways, Sensei fell in love with a woman and started a family of his own.

But all of his dreams were destroyed before his naked eyes could even blink a .5 second. He had an old rival in high school who had feelings for the same woman as well, but she chose Hamato because she trusts him and knows him more than the rival. So he lived on with jealousy and does something way more severe than just kidnap Hamato's wife, he killed her and her own daughter name Nii wa. Hamato had everything he loved and was thrown away like a bloody river over rocky, sharp stones.

When my parents found out about Hamato's loss, they figured that they can have a child not only to make themselves happy, but to make Sensei part of the family and become a godfather, since they were best, best friends. So to make you not confused, Master Splinter is my Godfather, but I call him, Sensei, to make his name more simple to say.

2 years later, I was born in a antique shop, since Sensei loves weapons.(They are the only things Sensei cared about since his wife loved ninjutsu) And he was even happier than ever (his words from his own mouth). Things started to change when I was an infant, (I hardly remember), because my dad kept getting late shifts on his career, which was a lawyer and became broke, so Sensei and Mom had enough money to transport into the United States and move to New York, since their wasn't enough education in Japan. The best option Dad could ever find was being an astronaut and he couldn't come alone, because you had tohave a pilot and a co.pilot for a spaceship and their was no more people.

So Mom decided to help out with Dad since she always cared about making our family the best she can, which meant that Sensei had to be the parent for me when they work. They new they can trust Hamato, unlike Oroku Saki (rival's real name).

Sensei has told me that I moved to New York when I was five months old instead of five years. My Grandpa makes a lot of mistakes that I kind of believe in some.😄 So Sensei has been taking care of me until I was three years old. The reason he stopped because he was given a letter from Japan giving him a job interview that was being transferred to New York.

He told my parents on the phone, since they were in outer space,(being able to call from outer space was a natural right until it became illegal when I was in grade school so that's why I don't call my parents) and they allowed him to go and make sure to let Grandpa from Japan be my parent since they know how much that interview meant to him. So Sensei wasn't going to see me for a while at that time, so those were my last days I ever saw him human, actually no because I was an infant and I didn't remember anything.

On the day he was going to his interview, Sensei happened to see four baby turtles on the concrete floor locked up in a jar with holes. He decided to take the turtles with him since he didn't want to be alone in the interview. It was around 9 p.m. so it was very dark when Sensei happened to be intruded by three men who look like triplets and telling them they owned the streets and they were going to kill them for violating the rules. So Sensei did his ninjutsu at the triplets and they were knocked out cold, until he saw another triplet throw this green mutagen at him and got infected along with the baby turtles.

And that is how my Godfather began another new life, to teach his new family ninjutsu so that he attends to not lose another of his kind and that they'll be strong enough to defend themselves. Until he found out about me, which comes the truth about how the Shimada clan is so precious to the Foot.

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