Chapter 33

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I'm already in my lunch hour, since the gym teacher was absent, we were told to go to lunch and stay there for at least 2 hours.

It was fun, actually. Staying in lunch for 2 hours straight is like paradise, because you get to talk to your friends more often and you get seconds from the lunch line! I love being an 8th grader.

The other classes were ok. I had Science for 4th hour, Reading for 5th, and Art for 6th. I would say Mrs. Violet would be my top favorite. Not because I'm the only one in that class, but she's very social able and she's like a teenage friend to me. But now that school is already over, I want to go back.

Stacy is a car rider for the whole year, since she moved to a city area, so I can only say goodbye after lunch. We would always be bus riders together in grade school. But now that things have changed, it's really heartbreaking.

I grabbed my phone to tell Raph I'm on my way.

"You ok, you sound like you have a fever, should I get over there?" He said worried.

He sounds so cute when he is worried about me. I squeaked my giggle over the phone.

"I'm ok, really. Just over thinking too much."

"Is that how school is over there, always thinking and hanging out with friends?"

"Yea, something like that? Why do you ask?"

"I've always wanted to see a school of what's inside. Is it huge?"

I stop to where I'm one block away from the apartment. I never knew Raphie would be so amazed about school. Even though he's temperamental to his brothers, but it's not that, maybe, no, he DOES have a soft spot. He really wants to be like everyone else, wanting to be in the outside world. But he's forced to stay in the underground sewers, hiding his true self. I cover my mouth to stifle the crying so Raphie can't hear me.

"Hey, you ok? You sound muffled right there."

"I'll call you back". I said quickly and hung up the phone, running to the apartment and open the door, slamming it shut to where I can feel the wind blow through my hair.

"GRAMPA! I'M COMING OVER TO MY FRIENDS' HOUSE!" I put my bag on the hanger, right next to the door and leave a note on the table.

"IF YOU NEED TO FIND ME, I'LL BE AT 16th Avenue Lane, if you cannot, call my cell! I'll be home at 10. Please don't worry! Love you, BYE!"

Then I rush to the door and head my way to Raphie's.

Grampa walks out the bathroom from brushing his teeth, getting ready to go to work and stops.

"My granddaughter is all grown up now. Please don't ever change, my lil' Fräulein."

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