Chapter 17

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I-I'm an opponent to Raph? Bu-but why would he make me fight Raph if he's one of the people I would like the most to kill? What should I do? What should I say?! I-I don't know. I don't know anymore! I just don't know!!


"Do not worry, Claresa." Says Sensei calmly. "As I said earlier, this is a test to show your true strengths, even if it's against your comrades, your family."

I let out a slight gasp, trying not to panic of whether how bad I might hurt Raph. Wait, I don't even know how to fight. Except punching, dodging and kicking. (Boxing at age 7) If I can just remember the basics from seven years back. I squint my eyes really tight to think back of how I did it. I open my eyes like I just solved a mystery problem.

"I understand, Master Splinter. I am ready when you are, Raphael." When I walk the opposite direction, facing Raph in the middle of the dojo.

Raph picks up the sai that was on the floor and makes a pose, with his left arm above his head while the other was a fist relaxing his right side of his waist. He makes a huge grin. "Ready."

I make a boxing position, my left hand pressing my left cheekbone while the other was blocking the view of my right eye and the other was facing Raph.


Raph comes charging at me the same way he did to Leo. Instead of me dodging to the opposite side of Raph's direction, I lean forward to where I can see Raph missing the stabbing point, grabbed his head with both of my hands, covering his eyes and head butt him hard!

I can feel the pressure starting to surround my skull and neck, but I managed to let go of my hands from Raph's head, grab his shoulders and kick his groin with my left knee. Raph is coughing out blood like he's throwing up.

I start to shake. Shaking in fear this time, not enlightenment.


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