Chapter 18

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"R-Raph?"... Trying not to shake and see if he's ok. I lay him down, his shell on the ground, breathing heavy.

"W-wow. Y-you got gu-guts." says Raph struggling to breathe.

"PLEASE DON'T TALK!!!" I raise my voice, letting heavy tears fall down my rosy cheeks. "I'M SORRY, I'M SO SORRY!!

"DONATELLO! GO GET THE MEDICAL KIT FROM THE T.V. ROOM, NOW!" Sensei yelled at Donny since he knows he's the specialist around here.

"I-I'm fine, Sensei. Just one kick, n-no big de-" Raph coughs even more. I start to speak, trying to not chock on my breathing from sobbing. "D-don't try to speak. Y-you'll hurt herself even more. I have hurt yourself even more! I'm sorry. I'M SO SORRY FOR HURTING YOU SO MUCH!!!!" I cry so loud that I hugged Raph so tight that I can feel his breathing on my purple, faded short sleeve shirt.

Sensei puts his hand on my left shoulder, trying to comfort me. He knows that I did something terrible and that he may hate me for the rest of my life.

" It seems that the state you were in has made you a little unreasonable."

'Unreasonable?' What's he talking about? Is he saying that I have some monster inside of me, making me vicious and hurting the ones I love? I think it's the time I hear the truth about why the Foot is after me. The truth about the Shimada clan. The truth about everything!

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