Chapter 29

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Once Stacy and I open the entrance doors, we see two police officers on both sides of the doors, both hands together and facing forward, making no face.

Stacy grips my left hand, pulling me on our way to room 283, Mr. Jona.

"Let's take our stuff here and put our bags in our lockers." Says Stacy twiddling, looking down. "I...I like to walk around a lot."

I smile, patting her small, round head.

"Me, too. Come on." As we enter the room, quickly set our supplies on our desks, without looking around the room or even see if there was a teacher and walked out.

There were tons of people in the hallways, so we hold hands so we don't get separated in the loud mod.

I had to yell so she can hear me.


"MINE'S 364!"



Once we made it to hall 135, close to our 1st hour; 124; we found our blue, small lockers and rushed to our locks, unlocked our combinations, set our bags and shuffled back to our class.

"We only have two bells to go, you know." I replied, entering the room with about twenty students talking like dogs in a pound.

"I know, just... want to get the habit of knowing my classes." She said with both arms behind her back, looking down.

When we lied our eyes on our desks, we

saw that they were already taken by two boys, sitting on top of the desks, attached to the chair, our supplies on the ground, scattered everywhere, like they've thrown it on the ground.

I start to frown and make fists, because those bozos, who hurt Stacy in grade school, were sitting in our spots, Dakota and Karl.

I start to approach them, until Stacy grabs my right arm, shaking.

"W-we can find another spot, the-there's two extra seats in the back." as she points to the right corner, close to the bulletin board away from the other kids in the room.

I close my eyes, moving my arm away from Stacy's grasp and rush to get our supplies.

When I bend down on the floor behind Dakota, my hands start to shake from anger, thinking of how much I want to beat the crap out of him and Karl. Then I shook my head and put all the stuff on my arms and walked to Stacy without looking back.

"Hey, Japanese-dork!" Dakota yells out as the room goes quiet.

I give the supplies to Stacy, acting like Dakota is not even here.

"You think you're so perfect, don't you Japanese-dork? I wonder what it's like to live with an old gramps. Oh yeah, UGLY!!"

Then he laughs while the class stays silent.

"That was dumb." One of the kids in the background replied. As everyone starts to burst out laughing.

Stacy's expression comes to fear to enlightenment. She starts to giggle and close her eyes.

"Well that escalated." She replied.

"Yep, it sure did." I said rolling my eyes heading to our new desks as Stacy follows me.

We sit down at the time the 2nd bell rang.

When it stopped, Karl slams his hand on my desk, making a glare at me, not in the eyes, but my chest. I start to twitch.

"Try looking at someone who would love to go out with a creep like yourself, Karl's Jr."

Everyone starts laughing.

He twitches with both eyebrows and walks away, talking to Dakota.

I sigh and lay my face flat on the desk top.

"People never change." Said Stacy twiddling her fingers.

"Nyu cut dat rite." I said muffling and relax my eyes from exhaustion.

Then the teacher came in just when the 3rd bell rang. Everyone goes quiet.

The teacher has black short hair, blue eyes, looks 5'9" and has a very low voice as he speaks.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Jona and I will be your Pre-AP History teacher for the whole year."

Girls in the right corner of the room are giggling, judging his voice. I frown and make fists.

"Psst!" I hissed at them and they face me.

Instead of them raising one eyebrow and making a judgmental face, they look scared, like I'm the one who caught them doing something horrible, well they kind of did, but not like severe bad.

"It's rude to laugh while the teacher is speaking. Grow up!" I whispered still frowning.

Then the girls start to shake and get goosebumps.

I raise an eyebrow and seem confused like I'm not certain with a mathematic problem.

I shake my head and look up and see the girls looking at the teacher, still shaking.


"Kathrin Sayers." Mr. Jona says taking roll.

"Here." A high pitch voice replies.

"Claresa.. Shïmaduû?" He asks confused of my last name.

Dakota turns around, looking at me laughing, so is the class.

I glare at him and give him a small grin, facing him, "My name is Claresa Yumikiel Shimada. Nice to meet you Mr. Jona."

People start to whisper of confusion all around the room as Dakota turns around rolling his eyes.

I smile and look up at the teacher, giving me a more confused face. He must show expressions so much just by looking at his pale, wrinkly forehead. He must be in his thirties or forties. Who knows?

"Shimada, right?" he asks.

"Yes, sir Mr. Jona." I say smiling at him delightfully. "Shimada."

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