Chapter 16

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When Mikey starts running towards Donny, he jumps high like a monkey, grabs his nun-chucks from the band from his waist, swinging them like a maniac, doing front flips, yelling "BOOYAKASHA!!!!"

He sways his right arm, aiming for Donny's head, but Donny dodges it by using his right foot to jump backwards. On air, he grabs his bow staff behind his shell, lands on his feet lightly, jumps back up again, swinging his body along with his staff like a fan and hits Mikey.

Whoa! I didn't even see Donny do anything except hit Mikey in mid air. He's fast like a hummingbird.

Mikey is flying in mid air and gets hit on the wall close to the ceiling and lands on the floor hard.

"YAME!" As Sensei snaps his voice telling them it's over.

Donny puts his staff on the back of his shell as Mikey gets up from the floor and both bow at Sensei.

"Raphael and Leonardo! You are next."

"Good luck". I said to Raph when he's getting up from the floor.


When Leo and Raph stand in opposite sides, glaring at each other, Leo is the one to speak up.

"Let's see how well you do for someone who can keep their back straight for doing the Seonage."

Raph's right eye is twitching like heck and growling like the last time, gritting his teeth. I start to shake.


Raph starts charging at Leo grabbing is sais from the band of his waist and strikes his left hand holding the sai upside down, and tries to stab Leo. But Leo dodges it by swaying his body to the right and spins his body clockwise, grabbing his katana with his right hand and kicks Raph in the chest with his right foot, making a pose with his katana while Raph is falling in mid air.

He lands hard on his shell on solid ground, dropping the sai with his left hand and passes out.

Raphie, no. My shaking starts to increase from my legs down to my chest.

When Leo is walking toward Raph, thinking he is knocked out cold, he stops to where he's pointing his katana close to his face like he's about to do something reckless, until Raph grabs the katana with his left hand, eyes still closed, pulls it against him away from the face and kicks Leo on the right knee cap, hard. GO RAPHIE!!!! As I scream so hard in my mind that my shaking has changed from fear to enlightenment.

Then Raph opens his eyes, taking the katana away from Leo's grasp, grabs his left wrist, pulling him so close that Raph does a back flip and kicks his face at the same time. At that time he let go of his hand and Leo goes flying and gets knocked on the hard, solid ground.


Leo gets up, wiping the blood with his left hand from his mouth, looking at Raph not like a death glare, but a ninja who shows honor to an opponent and shows mercy. Raph let's out a small smirk. Then they both face Sensei and bow.


"Y-yes, sir?" I said, standing up with my body straight like a stick looking at Sensei.

Sensei stares at me for at least five seconds, like he is looking into my soul, reading my every single thought, movement, and feelings.

"Your opponent will be Raphael."

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