Chapter 14

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When I open my eyes, sleeping on the right side of Raph's hammock, I feel someone's arms around my waist, holding me gentle like a blanket, like a warm radiator. When I turn my head to the left side, slowly to see who it was, all I see is a red bandana and its warm breath, breathing slowly on the back of my neck. It was Raph.

He quietly snores, which means that he is fast asleep. He must have been really exhausted from what happened last night. I guess you can say I'm glad for not letting it be a dream. Because if it weren't for me, he wouldn't be holding me like a body pillow and being so cute and adorable, unlike being a hothead in front of his brothers.

I slowly turn my body to face him. After I do that, I kiss him on the forehead and whisper, "Good morning."

His eyes open slowly, looks up at me with his arms still on my waist, letting out a small grin. "Mornin." I let out a tiny giggle and kiss him on the cheek.

"Sleep well?"

"Yep, you?"

"Relaxing, and comfy."

"I'm glad to hear that, Clare. Today's Saturday, right?" he asks me breaking the bond of his warm, long arms out of my curvy waist. "I believe so." I replied, still sleepy.

When Raph gets out of the hammock, stretching his arms and faces me smiling with his eyes closed, "Today's the day you get to do trainin' with us. And that means you need to wear something really cute for a kunoichi instead of wearing solid color T-shirts and bootcut jeans!" My face becomes rosy red, thinking that he wants me to look provocative. "WHY YOU LITTLE...." As I swiftly get out of the hammock and chase after Raph like a little kid. 😆

"You better take it back before I pound you like pizza dough!!!!" "You're gonna have to catch me first!" Raph laughing and was facing me while he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran over Leo getting out of his room and bumped into a wall, hard.

"What's the big idea, Raph, can't you at least watch where you're going when you are-", As Leo looks at me, blushing red from embarrassment. "G-good morning, Claresa. H-how was your sleep?" I giggled and smiled, "I slept wonderful, thanks for asking."

When Leo gets off of Raph, glaring at him and looks back at me smiling. "I'm assuming Mr. Temper-Mental..." pointing Raph with his thumb, "...has told you about the training section for today."

"I..." As I start to speak until Raph interrupted, feeling irritated of what Leo said, "At least I told her first, 'Splinter Junior'!" when Raph pokes Leo on the right shoulder with his left index finger. "Why you little..." "YAME!" Just when I hear Sensei's voice snap like a loud alarm clock that I actually jumped.

"Since you two are choosing to argue with each other instead of leading my God-daughter into the dojo, I suppose you don't mind doing training twice as much as your original schedule, do you not?" As Sensei's walking out of the dojo and heading toward us three.

"No, Sensei", Raph and Leo reply at the same exact time, feeling irritated with the situation. I try not to laugh and look at Sensei and bow, "I am ready to train when you are, Sensei." "Very well." As he reaches his left hand and pats my head.

"MY SONS!!" As he snaps his voice again that it makes me jump higher than last time, until I see Mikey and Donny hurry out of their rooms like a roadrunner. "It is time for today's session! Into the dojo."

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