Chapter 13

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When Raph breaks the kiss, I open my my eyes to see his expression to see whether he felt the same way I did.



"I know it's been three months since we've known each other.... and you are the only girl that has ever talked to me like a human being and I admire you for that." Just when Raph looked down for two seconds, he looked up and meets my light, brown eyes, "I..happen to have a huge crush on you, Claresa." As Raph looks down again, squints his eyes tight and turns tomato-red.

What should I say to him? To be reasonable, I had never been in a relationship with one single boy, and I have no idea what to say to him. I try to act not stiff and casual from suddenness.

"M-me too." I say slowly that Raph opened his eyes quickly and said, "You do?"

"I do! I happen to like you, a lot!" I replied back and quietly so that nobody else could hear.

"Well then", as Raph starts to reply, comfortable with the situation, "Claresa Shimada, will you give me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?" My heart started to feel pumped, as my body started to feel numb with so much warmth and timidness.

As I begin to stutter, "I-I....", when my voice becomes too quiet that I had to whisper in Raph's ear, "I-I will accept you offer becoming your girlfriend."

When Raph grabbed my left hand that was cuffed from me whispering, pulled it gently and kissed me with his soft, warm lips. I kiss him back.

"Well, it's getting late", whispers Raph feeling exhausted from the way he's whispering "See you in the morning?" I reach to kiss him on the cheek and smile. "I'll be in your room if you need me."

When I was about to get up and head to Raph's room, he grabs my right arm gently, hugs me tight to where I can hear his heart beat like crazy, takes his other hand and rubs the back of my head to where he strokes my short, thick brown hair.

"We have to keep this a secret, you know that right?" Always the unexpected, knowing he would be THIS shy, but I know how sensitive he can be when it comes to secrets just by looking at him and feeling his warm, heartbeat. "I know. And I would never tell your pal, Spike either." Raph chuckles. "Don't worry, he's my pal. He would never tell a soul."

I gently push him to give him one last kiss and tell him good night.

"Sleep well, Clare."

"You too, Raphie." 😚

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