Chapter 20

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I turn off the T.V. right when Sensei opened the slide doors and walked up to me.


I turn around and look up. "Yes?"

"It's about time I tell you the truth about your clan and your true abilities. Abilities that can lead you to destruction and violence, like you did to Raphael."

I look down to where I can see my small, pale hands, feeling frozen and humiliated.

"Come. let's have some tea to awake your mood."

I get up, still looking down and follow Sensei to the dojo.

When I entered, I sat criss-crossed on the floor, opposite side of Sensei's favorite spot and watch him pour tea into a wooden, carved cup and hands it to me.

I can feel the heat go through the cup, making my hands warm. I can see brown liquid make little waves back and forth on the cup and sip, slowly to make the flavor sweeter. Very sweet and sugary. I love it.

"When I told you you were fighting against Raphael, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking of what fighting methods I should use against Raph since I hardly remember taking fighting lessons." I said staring at the cup.

"What method did you take in your memories?" asked Sensei raising one eyebrow, brushing his long, gray beard.

"Boxing, age 7."

"What made you think that boxing was the best option?"

"It was the most defensive way to show defense and to protect yourself."

"What did you feel when you first thought of boxing?"

"I felt..... different. I felt like there was someone controlling my every single movement and emotion, but not thought. Like I was not even the real Claresa."

When I look up, all I saw in Sensei's crimson eyes was fear looking straight at a beast in front of their face, fixing to attack you and eat you alive.

"Your grandfather was telling the truth, you do have something inside of you."

W-what do you mean?" as I start to become confused.

"There was a tale in your grandfather's time, that there was a spirit that would solve all of your problems in a difficult situation with peace and amity, and a demon that would solve problems by using violence and sometimes even murder.

I started to feel horrified of what Sensei is saying. I squeeze my forearms to keep the shaking low.

"But your grandfather would tell me that he would see you sometimes like the demon spirit when you had fights in school."

M-me, li-like a demon spirit?

"Forgive me for asking but, when was the last time you had a fight in school?"

"5th grade, three years ago." I said gloomy.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"I-I saw five to six boys surrounding a girl at recess outside, bullying her saying insulting things.

"You're such a wuss for a straight A student. You can't even say difficult correctly." a scrawny, short boy named Dakota with green eyes and blonde hair and braces.

"I-I...." as the girl tries to speak until a tall muscular boy, Karl pushed her to the ground and kicks her with his Nike shoes.

"Your so weak, with that brain of yours you don't even think of how you should fight, unlike Timothy."

The girl struggles to breathe and cuddles like a Rollie Pollie.

"Say, where is Timothy the Great?" asks Lewis, tall, thin guy with grey eyes and red greasy hair.

I was playing by myself, walking around the hill away from school and saw the girl getting kicked by that damn bully, Dakota.

I was so angry and scared that I closed my eyes tight, holding both of my hands tight on my head, shaking like heck and look up, motionless.

My body stopped shaking, feeling like another person was in my soul, feeling fearless to fight Dakota and the others from hurting the girl, Stacy.

...."Say, where is Timothy the Great?"

I walk up to them, frowning with my fists ready to punch anything, saying, "Maybe the goodie goods gave your boy such a hero's welcome. He got the warm and fuzzies and decided to switch sides."

As the boys turn around facing me wondering who I was and burst out laughing.

"Can't you see your outnumbered, Japanese dork? asked Corey; orange hair, freckles, blue eyes; smiling with his lips closed and his arms crossed.

I start to crack my knuckles while walking and glared at them to where it shows lines between my eyebrows.

"I see those who might vastly enjoy watching me pound some dense into you!"

Dakota grits his teeth making fists and comes charging at me.

"Watch out!" Stacy cries out, still struggles to breathe.

Dakota strikes with his right fist aiming for my left cheek, until I did the technique I did against Raph, ducking down, grab Dakota's head with both hands and head butt him super hard to where his forehead and mine are bleeding.

He groans in agony, holding his hands on his head on the ground rolling like a rolling pin with pizza. I stood up straight, feeling the pain on my forehead; standing still; waiting for something else to happen.

I see Karl running in a tackling position in football toward me. I swayed my body to the left, turn around to where I can see his rear and kick it hard that he gets his face smashed in dirt.

The other boys come charging at me like an angry mod when I first see Lewis on the right side. I moved my body to the left to where I can see Lewis's red hair, pull it, swing him like a rag doll, and let go as Lewis flops to the ground rolling and passes out.

Coming from behind I can hear Korey screaming as he is running fixing to punch me in the face when I 'turn around.'

Since I knew he was a lefty like me, I twirled my body clockwise and punch him right in the face on the right side of his jaw.

He gets hit, but still on his feet and tries to punch me again. I dodge it and punch twice in the face, then groin. I punch him so much that blood starts to smear on my fists from Korey's mouth. "AaaaahhH" as I punch Korey in the face one last time and falls on his left side of his body. He passes out like the others.

Dakota get's up holding his waist, grunting and looks at me with fear and runs back to the school, screaming. I then look at Stacy to where she is still shaking and holding her left side of her torso, from where Karl first kicked her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, calmly back to my true self.

"Y-yes I am, thank you." she says shaky. I let out my left hand to lend her a hand, until I see blood all over it and shake.

"W-what happened?"

"Y-you beat up the boys that were bullying me and went hardcore. Ar-are you ok?" As she starts to get up but grunts from the pain and struggles to breathe again.

"D-don't pressure yourself!" When I faced Stacy and forget the blood on my hands an help her up with my left hand holding her left arm relaxing my neck, and the other holding her back, heading back to the school, downhill.

"I'll explain the principal of what happened. I'm sure he will understand." I replied casually.

"A-are you sure you can explain to Principal Garrett? He's a strict person to talk to."

"Don't worry, he knows my grandfather too well. I'm sure he'll let me pass from ISD."

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