Chapter 19

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Raph is in his room recovering, while I'm in the living room, watching the news, trying not to think about of what happened.

"...Back to you Serenity."

"Thanks, Jeremy." There is a woman that is in her thirties and has blond, curly long hair with green eyes reporting. "The News 7 has investigated the Willow Creek Junior High School was hijacked on the first day of school just three months ago by a group of men wearing black clothes and masks armed with ancient swords and other unique weapons that no one would use in situations such like this one...."

The Foot!

...And there happened to be ten people that got out of the school safely, but one student named Claresa Shimada has been missing ever since. As the T.V. screen shows my picture when I was in 7th grade. This isn't good.

All thanks to this little girl who was the victim being hijacked.." When the newswoman pointed the microphone to the girl with a soft, orange sweatshirt.

"It's her, the girl that thanked me in the incident!"

..."What's your name?"

"S-Stacy White." as Stacy speaks timid, looking at the ground instead of the camera.

"Well, Stacy, can you give me the details of what happened three months ago?"

"W-well, from what I remember, I was entering the back of the school building, until I saw a group of men surrounding the hallways close to the entrance doors pointing guns and swords at me."

Wait, I don't remember the Foot being armed with guns, they could've been more ninja on the other side of the school. If I took the other way of entering he school, my life could be in the afterlife right now.

"A-and they took me to the front of the school where there was teachers and other kids were on the floor, men surrounding them a- as well. I was so scared."

"And do you remember a girl named Claresa Shimada being there?"

"S-she comes to school after I do, which means that I'm earlier than she is."

"Ok. Did they take her away from the school or put her where you and the other people were?"

"Where I was."

"Ok, what happened next?"

"The men in black were asking questions about if Claresa was there and they wanted her to come with them, saying that their 'master' was pleased to see her."

"I see." The newswoman paused. "What next?"

"The light bulbs were breaking everywhere and the school went black. And Claresa told me and everyone to get out of the school. I told her thanks and never saw her again." Stacy started to cry, wiping the tears with her sleeve. "S-she saved my life, and I didn't have the guts to save her along with everyone else. I hope your watching, Claresa...." Stacy faces the camera giving me a message. "Because if you are..... You are a very strong person like no other that I have met and if you are with the men in black, hang in there and stay strong. You're my hero. Thank you for everything." As Stacy cries really loud with her hands on her face, the newswoman hugs her with her right arm while the other on the microphone.

"You are a very strong girl, Stacy and so are you Claresa..." as she faces the camera. "If anyone ever sees this brave girl who risked her life, saving ten people, please call 928-9301. Thank you. I'm Serenity Senes and this is News 7 reporting."

Unknown P.O.V.

"It seems that they have found the information about our existence. Well then, I guess we might have to search every single block, avenue, and private property in a place called 'New York'. Hmm, this Shimada is like no other member I have slated or used as a slave. She could be very useful to us, do you think so, Karai?"

As a kunoichi with black and blonde hair, shaped like a v with brown, red eyes approaches to the unknown perspective and bows on the ground to where her nose touches the floor. "Yes, Master Shredder."

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