Chapter 10

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Claresa'a P.O.V.

When Sensei has told me the story, I actually cried. I had no idea that he had to endure so much suffering when I was just an infant. He said that everything turned out ok for him in life and don't worry about him. He allowed me to leave the dojo and try to get your mind off of grief, since he knew that I was still upset.

When I left, I decided to check up on Leo, since he was the only one I saw in the living room on my left, which I believe he was watching a T.V. show called Space Heroes. I was expecting him to watch Anime or violent Action-Adventure. I didn't blame him. I mean I still watch Transformers that is TV-Y-PG (I only use Netflix as my television), at least that kind of got the grief off my mind.

Next, I find Donny in his room with his door open, which his room actually looks like a lab room with unidentified objects that he invented on a book shelf. He must really want to be become a scientist or a mechanic, but I doubt that his dream will ever come true, since he is a turtle, forced to stay in the shadows at all times. "Gghuuuuhhh!" When I put both of my hands on my face, trying to keep from anyone hearing me cry.

Until Mikey came up to me with pizza in his mouth and stared at me, thinking that I got hurt or something. He dropped the pizza from his mouth, which dropped on the floor, and rushed to give me a tight hug, squeezing me to death and shaking me like a rag doll.

"IT'S GOING TO BE OK! PLEASED DON'T CRY!" as he cries along with me. I removed my hands from my face and slowly pushed him with both of my hands, and stare into his bright, ocean blue eyes, brighter than Leo's, and trying to talk normal with the shaking from crying"I-It's ok, I just s-sneezed." and lying. "You sure", as he wiped the tears and snot with his right hand. "I'm sure." "Ok, I'll be making pizza if you need me" when Mikey gave me a warm, tight hug and rushed back to the kitchen yelling, "PPiiiiiiizzZAA!!!!" I laughed, thinking that he made my day. What the heck? He always makes my day. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and decided to check up on Raph.

The place that I checked first is his room, which was halfway closed and I tried to close it slowly, thinking that Raph was asleep. Until I hear his voice like he was talking to either himself or a friend. I peeked in the crack that was halfway opened, saw his shell, looks like he's sitting on a chair, and listen to what he is saying, "...which is awesome for not havin' to do trainin'. But that does not mean she's like our hero or angel or somethin'. Or is she? GggaaaaAH! What's gotten into me? What is it that I feel about this girl?"

WAIT, WHAT?! He has feelings for ME? What did I ever do to make him feel of what he feels right now? I have to listen to what he has to say even more. I HAVE TO!

But just when I was about to put my ear on the door, so that I can hear through it, the door slid open quick like a train being in overspeed. I felt the wind go through my brown, thick hair and slowly looked up to see his expression. I'm SO dead!

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