Chapter 31

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Raph's P.O.V.

Man, this stinks. I'm lying on my bed, waiting for Clare to end school four and a half hours away, bored.

I really miss her funny personality, always lightening up my day, how I stroke her soft, strawberry fragment hair, smell of Japanese cherry blossom and her pretty, glowing brown eyes. I bet she's having a better time than I am.

Leo's P.O.V.

He's in his room on the floor meditating, taking deep breaths, eyes closed.

I-I think I'm in love with Claresa. Every time I get close to her, I get too chicken and hardly talk to her. I doubt she notices me, which could be a good thing.

He squints his eyes tight and make fists relaxing on his knees from sitting criss cross.

I-I have to tell Claresa. Even though it's been three months, I'm sure she'll understand. She's a really good friend. I'm sure of it.

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