Chapter 32

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"...And what does the Hypotenuse equal, Ms. Shimada?" Mrs. Violet says pointing her stick at the bulletin board, aiming at a triangle, at the 'c' location.

I lay my chin on the wooden desk, thinking of the steps I have to organize to get the solution.

"Well, if the 'a' is 15 squared (225) and 'b' is 20 squared (400), you add the solutions, (225+400= 625) and find the square root of 625, and you'll get 25!" I said slamming my hand on the desk standing up like I'm saying 'Objection' in court.

"Very good, Ms. Shimada! See, are my methods easier to comprehend better than your last teacher, Mr. Arnold?" She said clapping her hands.

"It sure is, Mrs. Violet. Totally better!" I said still standing up, raising one arm up and pointing at her, telling her you're my hero. I have to say, she's really not that bad.

She giggles, putting her left hand over her mouth. Then the bell rings for 3rd hour.

"Well..." She says putting her stick on the chalk layer, attached to the board.

"I guess this is where you leave for your other class." She replies gloomy.

"Don't worry, I'll be here tomorrow. To tell you the truth, you are my favorite teacher already." I said smiling.

She looks up at me and reaches out, giving me a hug.

"You're the only person who has ever said that to me in the past twenty years. Thank you for your consideration." She says, fixing to cry.

I pat her in the back and pull away the hug, resting my hands on her thin, shoulders.

"No need for flattering, Mrs. Violet. I'm just giving you my opinion." I smile and walk out of the room, heading to gym class, Mr. Harris.

I go to my locker, putting my supplies away from last hour, until a slam on a locker goes 'BANG' close to where my left ear stings from the vibration, while my body stays frozen on the right side.

I can hear a male's breathing, like they've been running non-stop, which I already know the boy is, Dakota.

"I heard you're the only student in Mrs. Violet's class in Algebra." He said like it's an amusement.

"You're point is?' I said, not turning around, acting like he's a nuisance, well, HE IS!

"You're like the only one in the whole 8th grade who struggles in Algebra!" He says laughing and talking at the same time.

"Same goes for you in Language Arts. I mean come on!" I said turning around to face him, fitting in with the amusement. "You can't even spell hyperventilate correctly, and you're 15 years old. How funny is that?" I said laughing in his face. Then I quickly slam my door and head to gym, opposite from Dakota's direction.

He grits his teeth and makes fists.

"I swear I want to hurt that brat. She gets me every single time. And I always get the humiliation."

Then he stops the fists and make a huge grin.

"And I think I have just the thing." He walks away from my locker, heading to whatever the hell he's heading to.

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