Chapter 28

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As I'm walking, I am in the middle of the outside area, between the street and school, as everyone stops talking and all their faces turn and stare at me, for me hearing nothing but the warm breeze flow through my short hair, full of silentness.

I see Stacy looking at everyone in the middle of the crowd, confused of why their acting this way. When she focuses on the people's eyes, she looked at the same direction, turning around on her left side and faces me, the same way as everyone else.

Her eyes and nose start to turn rosy red and tightens her fists and runs up to me. Everyone faces her, watching as she goes to make an embrace.

I took three steps back and see her arms out, reaching for me in a hug position. She makes the impact, making me drop to the morning dew grass and hugs me tightly, from where I can hear her choky breathing, sobbing softly.

"T-th... than.... thank you." Her sob goes to a cry.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She cries out squeezing me even tighter.

My face goes frozen, feeling nothing but full of surprise. She really must've been scared at that time, more scared than anybody else. I sigh with my nose and push her lightly, seeing her rosy face, eyes shut.

"It's ok, really. Now that everything's back to normal, there's nothing to fear."

She doesn't do anything, so I rest my hand on her shoulder.

She looks up, looking so innocent with her big marble green eyes, long, blonde hair blowing in the wind, breathing normally.

I smile and put both of my hands on her warm, rosy cheeks.

"At least both of us are ok. Right?"

She nods, blinking twice, drying out her tears.

"Well, school's about to start, want to come in with me?" As I take her hand, lifting both of us up.

"Y-yea." She says softly.

I smile and let go of her hand.

"Well you already know my name, so there's no point saying it once more." I let out a laugh, rubbing my head.

She giggles. "S-same for me, too."

We both laugh together, full of awkwardness, since people are awing and giggling from the cute moment.

Then the first bell rings, two more before we enter 1st hour's class.

"You have your schedule?" I asked Stacy.

"Y-yea, I have Mr. Jona for Pre-AP History."

"ME TOO!" I yell out.

"Yay!" we both yelled out and hug each other, running our way to our school, happy and delighted.

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