Chapter 34

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I take off the sewer lid, placing it right next to the road and go down the ladders. When my face can see the top ladder part I grab the lid, gently place it on the whole and climb down. When my tippy-toe reached the solid ground, I jump and run to the layer.

All of a sudden I hear a swoosh blow through the back of my hair, to where I feel goosebumps on my neck, stop running and turn around.

"W-who's there?!" I yelled echoing the sewer areas.

No reply.

I take small, shaky breaths and slowly turn around, but when I did, a hand covers my mouth, pulling me back so that we're in the dark.

I hold that person's hand with both of my hands tight and shake of terror, eyes closed tightly.

"Ssh." A familiar voice replied, whispering in my right ear, making me burn up. Leo.

I gasp with my nose and take his hand out of my covered mouth, backing away and turn around.

"L-Leo, you startled me." I said looking at him, still in the shadows.

"I'm sorry if I did." He said walking up to me and see his true self, making a scary, unusual face, I can't really tell.

"I overheard on Raph's phone that you had to call back, did you have to do something?"

"Y-yes, I... I was worried that.. I" I sigh, feeling embarrassed. I close my eyes to not see the humiliation in Leo's eyes, until I feel his hand relaxing my right shoulder. I look up as his other hand reaches for my chin and our lips meet.

My heart starts to pound really hard full from shock.

I gently push the kiss and pant.

"L-Leo! W-why would you...?"

"I know this is too sudden for you... but," Leo steps closer to me while I step backwards, when my back meets the left wall, close to the one I was startled on.

He puts his hands on the wall, close to my forehead and kisses it, holding it for at least ten seconds.

He breaks it and relax his warm, hands on my rosy cheeks.

"I am in love with you, Claresa Shimada." He whispers as his forehead touches mine, feeling his warm breaths flow into me.

"I-I...." I said trying to Leo the truth about Raph. But I can't, he said so. I can't!

I close my eyes tight so I won't let tears flow out of me. My legs tremble from regretfulness.

"LEO!!!" A loud scream of rage coming closer to where Leo and I are at.

I open my eyes and see Raph on the right side in a punching position.

He makes the impact, punching Leo on his left cheek letting his hands free from my cheeks.

I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands seeing Leo falling in mid air and slammed on the concrete floor, hard.

"Are you ok, Clare? Did he hurt you?!" He said holding my left hand, worried.

"I'm... I'm fine." I said shivering.

I look at Leo and see him getting up, wiping the blood from his mouth, glaring at Raph.

"IF YOU EVER TOUCH CLARE AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Raph yelled out pointing at him with his left index finger.

"R-Raph, it's... it's not his fault. I didn't do anything." I said touching his left shoulder with my left hand.

He shoves the touch and grabs my arm, pushing me to the wall, gently.

"He touched you, Clare. That's wrong. And I will let no one touch you like that ever again." He whispers in a soft purr, letting go of my arm and walks back to the layer, seeing his shadow disappear into the darkness.

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