CHAPTER 1 I Choose

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Shinzo's POV

As a kid I was always told that my quirk is the perfect one for a villain to have. At one point I honestly thought that I could never be a hero because of it. That is until I met a boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya. He taught me that everyone can choose to be what they want to be.

"Hey" Shinzo!

Hmm What do you want guys? I'm kinda bissy with a school project.

It'll only take a minute. PLEEEASE?

Huh! Fine What is it?

Can you use your quirk to get us some girlfriends?




You're no fun, killjoy.

10 minutes later



Can you use your quirk to help us get boyfriends? it's not that we don't like you.  its just that you're not our type. sorry.

Sorry girls but I can't do that. People have wills of there own. I'm sure you'll find the right guy for you someday.

You're a jerk Shinzo.

Everyday someone is asking me to make someone do something against their will, and I always say no. The only person I know that has never asked me to use my quirk is Izuku. Even if I use my quirk on him by accident. Once he snaps out of it. He still smiles at me.  I start to feel heat in my cheeks. Wait am I blushing over him? Do I like Izuku Midoriya? I then see Bakugo bullying Izuku in the halls. I walk up to him and say back off Bakugo. Leave him alone.
Bakugo huffed and walked away saying " Damn nerd." I looked at Izuku and asked Are you alright Izuku? He said yes. At that moment our eyes met. I looked away because I could feel my cheeks burning. I thought I didn't like him,  I love him. My heart started to beat out of my chest. I ran as fast as I could, and said later Izuku Midoriya. I ran around the corner,and not even a second later Bakugo was back terrorizing Midoriya. I'm got to do something about that spikey blonde guy, but if I hurt him I'll never be a hero. So be it. I'll be a villain in order to protect Izuku.

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