CHAPTER 10 ...

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Todoroki's POV

Midoriya hang in there. I'm going to get some help.

Bakugo had ahold of Midoriya as I was going to leave.

What the?   The door won't open.

here let me try

Bakugo hands me Midoriya and tries opening the door.

Damnit I can't open it either.

We heard a loud sound coming from our phones and through the inner calm of the school.

As of this moment everyone is under lockdown. This is not a drill. Villains have attacked the school. If you use your quirks the security system will see you as a threat. So please remain calm and wait for further instructions from your teachers.

What happened I asked.

I don't know.

Midoriya opened his eyes just a little and said. All Might Is dead. He started crying as he went back unconscious.

Hay Deku why would you say that? Deku, DEKU!

I thought something was off when All Might didn't show for his after school classes.

A few hours passed out the lockdown was lifted. Come to find out.  Midoriya was right. How did he know?

Security was tight at the school. Midoriya was on constant supervision by the teachers. One day I heard Midoriya's voice outside my dorm room. He was asking me to talk outside at the training grounds.

I showed up looking for Midoriya.

Midoriya what did you want to talk about?

I saw what looked like blood coming from an alley.


I ran over to see a dead end.

I got wrapped up in a scarf just like our teachers. I struggled to get free. What the hell is this?

I heard Midoriya's voice behind me say

I'm just got you here so I could learn your voice.

Midoriya's voice slowly turned into mine.

What the hell is going on.

I looked behind me and saw Shinzo.

Damnit this was a trap.

Don't worry Shoto I won't kill you. At least not right now. Hehe!

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