CHAPTER 18 Sports Festival

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Izuku's POV

I can't believe that it's time for the sports festival again. It seems like only yesterday that me and Kacchan were fighting to see who would win. So Todoroki do you know who'll be giving the opening speech.

You mean Mr Aizawa didn't tell you?

Tell me what?

You are going to be giving the speech this year.


I started to overthink and Todoroki interrupted me with a pat on the head.

You'll be fine Midoriya. Just say what comes to mind. When you think of the friends you've made here.

Hmm right!

I step out to give my speech.

Dabi's POV

I was watching the opening ceremony of the U.A. sports festival and saw something interesting.

Hey Katsukun what's this?


He walks in the room and looks at the Television with a surprized look on his face.

Oh shit he says as he's running away from me.

I catch up to him because he tripped on a cord on the floor. I pin one of his arms behind his back as he lays on the floor.

You were given the orders to prove your loyalty by killing your childhood friend Izuku Midoriya, but it looks like you didn't do that.

I I tried but-

but what? I started to get pissed.

I was interrupted by Shoto Todoroki coming back to Deku's room sooner than expected.

I thought so that's where he is. I said aloud. It looks like I'll have to punish you for lieing to me. Katsukun tries to get free, but I punched him. knocking him out cold. I threw him over my shoulder and went down to the basement. I took off his shirt exposing his rock hard abs. I then got out a gift that I was going to give him for his birthday coming up. I decided now would be a good time to use it. I put the contraption on his head, and locked it in place. It was a device that was like a mask. It was made to be part gag and part blindfold. I woke him up with a stick that when broken. Makes a strong smell to wake someone. I suspended his wrists above him with chains and his legs were chained to the floor ,as he stood there helpless. I thought he's so damn sexy.


His head jumped up trying to look around.


I put my hand on his back signaling that it was me like we've always done during sex. Katsukun calmed down immediately. I whispered in his ear.

Do you remember what you did to me.

He shook his head no.

You lied to me. The hand that was on his back now had flames coming off it.


Do you have anything to say to me for what you did?

He nodded his head yes. So I took off the part that gagged him.

I'm so sorry I should've told you that I didn't complete the mission, and asked for your help in killing that nerd.

Apology excepted. I put the gag back on him.
since you're already like this. let's have some fun.

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