CHAPTER 22 Graduation

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Shoto's POV

Two years had past and we were graduating tomorrow from U.A.
hey guys I'm going to need your help with something tomorrow.

I think to myself Tomorrow will be the day.

After everyone got their hero license. Izuku stands alone in the room.

The lights cut off, and everyone uses there quirks to decorate the room. I made an ice sculpture and I lit some flames behind it so he would see. The sculpture read. Please say yes. Izuku looked behind him to see me on one knee, and a ring in my hand.

Will you Izuku Midoriya make me the happiest man alive?

I was knocked to the ground when he tackled me.

Yes yes a thousand times yes!

We kissed and Mr Aizawa took a picture. We both looked over at him in shock because we had never seen him smile until then.

Mr Aizawa sent us the picture and Izuku sent it to all of his contacts. He even sent it to Bakugo by accident. If I had known then that he did that. We would have postponed our honeymoon.

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