CHAPTER 9 The Breakout

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A/N sorry about the previous chapter being short. My mom kept looking at my phone, and I had to change my screen a lot. I hope you've enjoyed so far. Also that was my first time writing a Threesom

Shinzo's POV

I wake up in prison. I'm in a cell with a straight jacket on ,and a device over my mouth. I can talk ,but my quirk doesn't work. Why am I huh!? A flashback of everything. Damn I was so close to having Izuku all to myself. I guess that I don't know what love is since he rejected me. A girls voice said  Trust me you're in love. A shadow portal showed up in my cell. A girl walks up to me ,and cuts me out of the straight jacket.

Do you need some help showing him your love?

She reached out her hand,and I took it. We walked through the portal and into a bar. A guy walks up to me and looks at the device on my face. He opened the device and started tinkering with it. After awhile he closed it. He started teaching me how to work it. He Also hands me a scarf just like  Eraser Heads. The girl who freed me says

Hi I'm Toga nice to meet you, and your name is?


Not anymore. Your new name is Voicebox. That device can now change your voice to sound like anyone else. Not only that but your quirk can still be used. I made sure that you would be ready just in time for Valentine's day tomorrow.

That's awesome thank you

no problem just make sure to show him your love. okay?

oh don't worry I will.

The next day I'm outside the school waiting for Izuku. I waited for so long . He must've took another entrance from the dorms. Just then I saw All Might he was late for class. So I decided to go after him. After all he just retired from hero work. I changed my voice to sound like Izuku's and went around the corner. I then hid behind a tree.

All M-Might H-HELP ME PLEASE!! I was st-stabbed by a villain and I'm bleeding out.

All might ran over

just as he was about to see me he said

Don't worry young Midoriya because I am here.

He stiffened up.

got ya All Might

I got out from behind the tree, and wrapped my scarf around his neck. then I put some of the scarf around a branch of the tree. I pulled tight and he went flying toward the tree. a little while later and his legs stopped twitching.

Ah I wonder if he'll like his Valentine from me. Now I just have to leave a note.

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