CHAPTER 34 Needle and Thred

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Izuku's POV

The girl by the name of Toga. Was getting on my last nerve. So I cut her throat. I teleported us to the prison that had a Breakout story on the news. I let her bleed out on top of the news crew. That's when my face was televised to the world. I threw Toga's body in the courtyard of the prison. Grabbed the microphone from the reporter, and laughed at the camera.
I'm doing this for revenge on the villains who hurt my friends and family. if you were in the League of villains you are my target. turn yourself in to the police and I won't kill you. run from me and you'll die painful and slowly. Do I make myself clear? Make your choice before I kill the rest of the villains I have. Because when I run out. I'll be looking for more of you.

Flaps wings flies away.

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