CHAPTER 12 Trick or Treat

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Deku's POV

After I woke up. The teachers told me that All Might was found close to the main entrance to the dorms. The police showed me pictures of the scene. All Might had his left eye removed. His heart was also removed and on his stomach was my name carved into him. I puked at the sight of this.

Mr Aizawa said we think that Shinzo may have been behind the attack. So we're going to keep a close eye on you from now on.


That's not a request. This is an order.

I have a plan to lore him out of hiding.
Give me my phone and I'll set it up.

Are you sure this'll work?



I put a post on my messenger app to everyone including Shinzo. The police and pros are letting me communicate through this app to let everyone know that I'm okay. So don't worry. Recovery Girl said that my blood sugar was low. The police told me about All Might aswell.

I got a private message from Kacchan.

If you can, find a way to meet me at the training grounds Tonight. There's something I want to talk to you about.

Okay I'll try Kacchan

See you then Izuku.

I thought to myself Kacchan has never called me by my first name. huh!


What is it Midoriya?

I think Kacchan was taken by Shinzo.

That would explain why he didn't attend class today, but if that's the case then Shoto must've been taken aswell.


Yeah Shoto has been absent for a day now.

I started to think about a plan of action.  So we need heroes who are good at hostage recovery.

I have just the team in mind. Don't worry about that Midoriya.

Okay thank you Mr Aizawa.

Oh I got it. i know how we can beat him!
Okay so this is the plan.

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