CHAPTER 40 Time's Up

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3rd person POV

Deku is watching the news on his phone. When he sees an article that catches his eye. The article reads. Needs help finding pros who went to school with Katsuki Bakugou. His family will be pulling the plug on his life support in 3 days. Deku shows Dabi the article, and says. Your times about to run out Touya Todoroki. Oh sorry I mean Dabi.

Dabi starts crying and sobbing. He struggles to get free, but the shadow gets tighter around him with every movement.

Dabi starts having flashbacks to his childhood. Playing and training with Shoto. Even taking hits from there father so Shoto wouldn't get hurt. Then his life of survival before he joined the League of villains. He felt like he was just going through life with no purpose. When Shigaraki ordered everyone to capture a hero and try to convert him to there side. Dabi thought he was nuts until he laid eyes on the blonde. When the heroes were about to take Bakugo back. Dabi put his number in his pocket in Hope's that one day. The blonde short tempered boy would come back.
About one year after that Dabi got the call he was wishing for every night.

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