CHAPTER 20 Retreat!

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Shoto's POV

This guy won't get out of my way.


I looked behind me. MIDORIYA NOOO!

I put an ice wall up right as the figure in the smoke was about to stab him.

Don't worry my son I got this one. Now go save Izuku Midoriya.

Thanks pops.

I ran over to see that Bakugo was the one who did this.

AW poor little Izuku needs to be saved by his boyfriend. HA! Something's never change.

I put Midoriya on my back. Bakugo don't ever touch Midoriya again or I'll kill you.

Can you Icyhot?



Just as Bakugo was about to stab through me and Midoriya from behind. Dabi flew into him.

I jumped back and ran for help. I could feel Midoriya's blood going down my legs. Not long after that the villains retreated. Midoriya was rushed to a hospital where they did surgery on him for many hours. As I sat there looking for the surgery light above the doors to cut off. I thought to myself. I can't hide this from Midoriya like I did the last time. Midoriya please make it through this. I sit with my hands together staring at the light for fifteen hours. The light cuts off and a nurse walked over to me.

Is Midoriya alright?

Come with me.

We walked over to a room with a huge window so people would be able to see there loved ones. So many machines were on him.

Izuku Midoriya lost a lot of blood. Not only that but some of his organs were damaged in the attack. The surgeon managed to get everything stitched up, but until he's fully healed. He will be in a medically induced coma.

I broke down in tears as I looked at him sleeping with all those monitors on. I felt a hand on my head.

*SOB* D-Dad?

Be strong for his sake Shoto.

I wiped the tears away.

That kid has changed you for the better. He has made you stronger then you could've been alone. Here take these. They were mine and your mothers.

Are you sure?

Yes so long as you never let him go.

I promise I won't.

Well I best be going now. I finally found a lead on where your brother has been hiding all these years.

Wait you mean-


As my dad walks away I think how can I train and not leave his side. I started to use my flames on one finger and try to get ice on the same finger on my other hand. A few days went by. Huh I did it! Now let's see if I can get the whole hand. A few days later Midoriya was supposed to wake up. The nurses checked his wounds and decided to go ahead and wake him. By the next week he was out of the hospital.

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