CHAPTER 54 The End Is Near

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Bakugo's POV

Not another friend damnit.
I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. These weren't tears of sadness. These were tears of rage.

Shinso pulled the knife out of Icyhot's chest.

Now it's your turn Bakugo.


Damnit I have to get out of this fucking scarf.

I see something blue out of the corner of my eye. It's Dabi using his quirk to melt the wire that's keeping us wrapped up.

Bakugo I'm sorry for what I did. Hopefully this'll make it up to you.

The wires broke and we were freed. Right as Dabi fainted from blood loss.

Thanks Dabi.

Shinso was running away but I blocked the exit.

Deku Walks up to shinso and says no more death. I can't take much more.

His wings returned, but one was black. The other was white. On the side that was black. His eye was red and his fang was sharp. On the white winged side. His eye was silver and he didn't have a sharp fang. In one hand was Black and red lightning. In the other was white and light blue.

Kacchan I'm sorry but this has to be done. Please forgive me.

Deku what are you gonna do?

A water portal opens up and the next thing I know. Me and Dabi are at the hospital right outside the training grounds. I see a bright light coming from the grounds. So I run up to the roof. Right as I get up there. An explosion comes from where Deku was. I feel the shockwave hit me. Then I loose strength
Damnit nerd what did you do? I passed out and when I woke up. Nothing was destroyed.
As I ran downstairs. I heard on a TV that quirks are gone. I try using mine and it doesn't work. Shit this isn't good. I run in the building and see Deku on the floor.

DEKU!! Hey wake up.

Huh Oh hey Kacchan. He says as he slowly opens his eyes.

Don't scare me like that.

I start crying.

You had me worried.

I'm sorry but now everyone can live in piece. Because I got rid of quirks.

GRRR You damn nerd. I'M GONNA!!

Deku closes his eyes thinking I'm gonna hit him ,but instead I kiss him.

Next time you do something crazy. Tell me first okay?

Deku's face is still in shock from the kiss , but he nods yes.

Good now let's go home.

I pick Deku up bridle style and we go back to my place.

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