4. sero snores

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Bakugou looked so cute. My sweatshirt was a little big on him, because it was huge on me, and it was amazingly adorable.

lil time skip to after the movie (that I highly recommend. It's an actual movie and it's my favorite movie, other than The Lion King.)

After the movie, none of us (except for me) were tired so we started playing board games and stuff. I had Monopoly under my bed so that's what we played first. "I don't think I'm gonna play, unlike all you guys I'm kinda tired," I yawned.

"Okay! You can cheer me on!" Mina cheered, way too awake. It was only like 7:20 but I was tired from hero training all week.

Kaminari started handing out money and then when he got to Bakugo he paused. "Hey, Bakugou? Isn't that Kirishima's sweatshirt?" He smirked.

I could feel the heat rise to my face and I laughed, "H-He was cold so I lended it to him!"

"Okaaaayyyyyy...." He, very cockily, said. Kaminari is great, but sometimes I hate him.

Bakugou seemed to stay calm though all of this, and that was kinda surprising. Actually, he hasn't said anything in awhile. I would ask, but I don't wanna risk everyone else hearing.


Kirishima has been laying on me for awhile now. It's amazing, and I don't wanna ruin it, so I'm just trying to stay in place and not move that much.

I could tell he is getting cold though, because he slowly is getting closer and closer to me. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around us, not caring what the others thought about it. We were playing Monopoly, and I was (of course) winning. Raccoon eyes was close behind me, but I don't care.

When I wrapped the blanket around us, Kirishima looked up at me, confused, and I just whispered, "I know you are getting cold. I don't care if you need to, quite literally, cuddle with me to get warm. Just keep yourself warm since you gave your sweatshirt to me."

Plus, I knew the dip-wads didn't hear me because they were arguing about Pikachu's money or something. "O-Okay," Kirishima has whispered back, leaning into me and snuggling into the blanket.

I don't really care if he finds out I like him. I care more about his feelings than I do mine, so it's not a big deal.

after Monopoly

I won the game, Raccoon eyes loosing by $500. Then, Scotch yelled, "How about truth or dare!"

"Shut it. You do realize it's 9:50 right? People are trying to sleep, dip shit," I said, trying to get him to be quiet. Kirishima kinda jolted, and I realized that he was asleep and Sero woke him up. I didn't even notice. I was too focused on beating Pinky.

"Sorry.." Tape arms looked down a bit.

"How about instead of truth or dare, we play truth. Just so that we don't wake anyone up," Raccoon eyes commented.

"How do yo just play truth?" Ear girl asked.

"Well, two people sit across from each other, and they ask questions back and fourth for two minutes. Also, you have to answer each of the questions truthfully. If you don't...... you are kicked out of the sleepover... or something," Raccoon eyes explained. "So, it's kinda like an intense game of asking questions and having to answer them."

"Ok. Who's first?" Tape arms asked.

"Uhh, how about Kaminari and.... Kirishima?" Pinky chose.

"Okay.." Kirishima lazily sat up, rubbed his eyes, and took a drink from his water bottle next to him.

Pinky got a timer out and said, "Ready. Set... go!"

Kaminari asked first, "Soo, Kirishima. You must be tired. Is that why you were leaning on Bakugou or was it just cause you like him."

I could feel my face getting hot so I looked away and Kirishima answered, "I was cold, and he offered. Why l do you ask? Are you jealous?"

"No, but I think you would be if anyone else was with him. So, do you realize you are in a blanket with Bakugou?"

I wondered why they didn't mention that. I guess this is why. "Yeah, but do you realize that you like someone in this room?"

Mina gasped and Kaminari seemed to not know how to respond, "I guess I do, but h-"

The timer went off and Kirishima let out a sigh of relief.

A few rounds later
(sorry I keep doing time skips... I'm trying to get to the interesting stuff)

All of us had done a round, all kinda intense like the first. I don't realize that Kirishima's group of losers could be so intense.

It was like 10:45 and most of us were super tired. So, we all decided we should go to sleep. I decided to sleep in my room, and everyone else was going to stay in Kirishima's. (Not that I'd let anyone other than Kirishima come into my room anyway.)


After I made sure everyone was comfortable, I started to get comfortable myself. Bakugou gave me back my pillow, and now it smells like him. It is amazing.

After about 10 minutes, I woke up to the sound of snoring. Sero. Usually I wouldn't wake up to this, but when I'm a light sleeper for the first hour of my actually falling asleep. Everyone else was knocked out, though.

I tried to just ignore it, but it was impossible. So, after about 5 minutes of trying to fallback asleep, I gave up. I picked up my pillow, grabbed my blanket, and heading over to Bakugou's. I went to the bathroom door on his side and knocked. I heard a groan, him getting off his bed, and him walking to the door. "WHA— oh, Kirishima. What?"

"H-Hey man, can I sleep in here? Sero's really loud," I whispered so I don't wake anyone up.

"Mm..." he nodded as he trudged back over to his bed and plopped on it. I closed the door and headed over to the couch... thing.. he had in his room. When I looked at Bakugou and he looked... annoyed?

"What?" I tilted my head a bit.

"Get in this goddamn bed with me, you idiot. That won't be comfortable," He said mentioning to the couch. I knew I was blushing, but I just hoped the dark hid it.

It's okay... I think. He has a queen sized bed, so it won't be that bad..... will it?

I walked over to his bed, put my pillow down, and crawled under the covers. I got comfortable, and then I felt it.

A pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

At first I couldn't believe it, but when I looked, Bakugou was asleep... or he was really good at fake sleeping. I smiled.

"Goodnight, Katsuki."


Ahem, I'm sorry I'm late by like two weeks and two days but like... uhhhHhhhHhhHHHHH ima have to start to post every other Saturday, since it's easier on me. soRRY ack.

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