29. ignoring the sexual tension

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"My birthday bash!" Mina smiled.

"A birthday huh?" Kaminari tilted his head.

"God you're so stupid... my birthday party, dumb ass," Mina's smile turned to an eye roll and sigh.

"Sounds fun. When is it?" Sero asked.

"This weekend! On Saturday! My mom said she'll leave and everything! Buuut... she said that I'm only allowed to invite a certain number of people... or our class... so, I think I'm going to invite everyone and then replace Mineta with Shinsou because he's a lot better than Mineta!" Mina's smile reappeared as she finished talking and plopped onto the couch.

We were currently just hanging out in the game room, not really doing much. It had been a little more than a week since Bakugou and I's date. It was weird watching Bakugou and I get closer, but it was also the most amazing thing in the world.

We started cuddling while watching movies and stuff, and I loved it. I was surprised to find out Bakugou liked to be the little spoon, but I didn't mind either way. I would always just smile and nuzzle into him, loving his fluffy hair all day every day. That was really all that's changed, though. Just him and I being closer. We hadn't told the whole class yet, both of us deciding that fully adjusting into the relationship first was more important than telling everyone and getting bombarded with questions. We also haven't kissed yet, but I wanted that to be special, anyway.

Usually the most we'd ever do is walk closer and get close when hanging out with the squad. It was surprising that everyone was able to keep it a secret... especially Kami and Sero.

Kami had been spending a lot of time with Shinsou now, and Jirou kept disappearing with Momo... and I always thought those two liked each other.. Actually, never mind, we could all tell Kami was gay, or at least bi, but we all knew Jirou was a lesbian. We support it. We love to see it.

Sero and Mina started a new game of air hockey, Sero taking the lead immediately like normal. "So Mina what are we gonna do at said party?" Jirou asked.

"Well... I haven't planned it all- god damnit Sero- yet but like I think it'll be like- ugh stop being so good at air hockey you ass- any other party," Mina said, struggling to try to win the game.

I shrugged, "I'm sure it'll be fun if you're throwing it."

"Don't boost her ego like that she'll get all happy and get good at the game," Sero laughed.

"I don't think those to things are similar to each other at all, dip shit," Bakugou said.

"I think they are when it comes to Mina! She has like uh... superpowers! When it comes to this stuff," Kaminari said, waving his hand around while talking.

"Damn I wish I could duct tape your fucking mouth," Bakugou rolled his eyes with a hmph.

"You're awfully grumpy today. Someone shove a stick up your ass?" Sero asked, scoring yet another point.

"He fell off his bed last night and couldn't sleep after," I scratch the back of my neck.

"He fell... off his bed?" Kami asked, snickering.

"Yeah! I fucking did! What do you think you can fucking do about it?!" Bakugou snarled.

"Laugh at you!" He burst out into laughter, and Bakugou fumed.

I used my arm to keep Bakugou from jumping at him, hardening my arm against the chair. He got a little upset since he was restricted, but he soon calmed down a bit and I let him go. He continued to just sulk next to me while Kaminari recovered from his laughing fit. "Hell yeah!!" Sero threw his fist up after beating Mina.

"UGGGHHHHHHHH," Mina groaned, very extra like might I add.

"Haha! I won, you lose! Now you have to clean my dorm!" Sero did a little dance... thing.

"I GET IT!" Mina sat down on a beanbag chair and sulked.

"Dang, apparently more than one person fell off the bad last night," I laugh.

"I don't wanna clean up Sero's room! Have you seen it?! It's disgusting!" Mina huffed.

"How often do you and Sero hang out?" Jirou laughed.

"Uhhh, whenever you guys are doing things with your new lovers," Sero shrugged.

"Uh, Shinsou isn't my lover," Kami raised an eyebrow.

"Yet you knew who he was talking about when he said lover," Mina laughed.

"I'm assuming you are talking about Momo, and actually, her and I have gotten a lot closer. I really like her," Jirou blushed.

"Awww!! First it was Kiri and Bakugou and now it's you and Momo! Adorable!!" Mina's attitude changed completely.

"Whoa whoa whoa we aren't actively going on dates like them," Jirou laughed, face getting redder. "We are just getting closer."

"Still! Aaa! Everyone's so cute!" Mina squealed.

"Everyone?" Sero raised an eyebrow, leaning on her chair.

"I meant the soon-to-be couples, dumbass!" She pushed him down and laughed as he fell.

"Oh," Kaminari said.

Soon, Shinsou walked in and sat down next to Kami on the floor, coffee in hand. "Sup girls and gays."

"Hey. How are you doing? I know you stayed up much later than you said you did last night," Kami smiled at him, eyes lighting up.

"I'm fine, idiot. I went to bed a bit after we got done playing roblox, so it's fine."

"How long is a bit for you though? Because sometimes it can be like 10 minutes and sometimes it can be like an hour!" Kami waves his arms around for no reason... like usual.

"... an hour and 45 minutes."

"Shinsou!" Kaminari fell backwards dramatically and we all looked at each
other as Shinsou tried to explain why.

"Are we just going to ignore the sexual tension here?" Bakugou asked quietly, pointing at them.

We all shrugged, watching as Kaminari said getting lost on YouTube wasn't a good enough reason to stay up till 6am.... as if he didn't stay up almost as late. Kamis so stupid sometimes, but I guess that's what makes him... him.


i'm so tired and idk why but it's fineeeee- i hope ur all enjoying the story!

also sorry i'm not interesting today-

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