26. best friends

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It was 1am and I couldn't sleep. All I could do was think about Bakugou. I had think of a date idea.. fast. We agreed we'd do it this Friday after school, so I guess I had like three days since it was only Tuesday, but it still seemed like little to no time. I decided to talk to the only person I knew would definitely be up at 1am. Kaminari.

I stood up and walked out the door, heading down the hallway to Kaminari's room. I knew I was right about him
being awake, too, because there was a light on that you could see from the crack on the door. I knocked, and after some scrambling, the door was open. "Kiri! Sup man!"

"I need help, and be quiet. Some people don't smoke at 1am like you."

"Right, right. Come in. Sero is taking a shit."

"Why is he awake too- whatever. Do you know if Mina is awake?"

He scratched his head and shrugged, "I don't think she is."

I sighed and sat down at Kaminari's desk, looking at all his unfinished work that was due a week ago. "Ya know," Kaminari plopped on his bed, "You could always join in on Sero and I's ritual to get rid of our problems."

"Jumping on a random train and riding it and pretending you're running away just to ride a bus home is not the way to solve problems," I deadpan at him and he looks away, whistling in a guilty way.

Sero, then, exited the bathroom and we looked at him, "That was a faaaat shit man- oh hi Kiri."

"I regret coming to you two I knew you'd be no help but I came anyway and I shouldn't have," I said as I facepalmed.

Sero sat down on the floor and shrugged, "I dunno, I think we can be pretty helpful."

"Yeah! We've helped you with your gay panics before!" Kami flailed his arms around.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm just panicking, ya know?" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Well, for your date, I think you should do that new thing at the river nearby where you can kayak on different paths. Seems like fun, and Bakubro likes hiking and nature and stuff, right?" Kaminari tilted his head.

"Wow. I was not expecting you to have an actually good idea." Sero got a solid kick in the back from Kaminari on the bed for that one.

"Shut up!"

"Shh! It's still one in the morning," I hush him. "And yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We could go kayaking and then I can buy him dinner and we can come back and pass out. Perfect. Thanks Kami," I smile.

"No probs man," He smiled.

"Anyway, unlike you two, I wanna sleep. So, I'll take my leave." I stood up and went to the door, "Night guys, make sure you sleep. Aizawa will kill you if you don't."

"Right, right. Night Kiri-man!" Sero smiled.

"Goodnight Kiri!"



"That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear," Jirou laughed.

I was hanging out with Mina, Jirou, Sero, and Kami in the game room. Bakugou stayed back in the dorm, since he said he was tired and would rather sleep than be annoyed for hours. I didn't mind, since this was the perfect time to tell Mina and Jirou of my plan.

Sero and Kami were playing air hockey, and Kami was loosing as usual. It was kinda relaxing to just hang out and not worry about my gay self.

It was Wednesday night, and for the past two days in class I had trouble focusing. Aizawa pointed it out many times in class, and everyone seemed to think it was sO hIlArIoUs.

"Yeah, Kami's pretty stupid," Sero laughed, hitting the puck and scoring a point.

"Ugh! You could at least go easy on me, you jerk!" Kaminari screetched.

"Whatever, Mr. Wimpy. You'll survive. Jirou let's go next," Sero smiled at her as Kami hit the puck trying to catch him off guard... and failing.

"Anyway, anyway, Kiri I'm so excited for your date!" Mina practically bounced in her seat on the couch.

"Mina I hope you know you can't come too."

She sighed, "I know! It's just, how come I'm more excited than even you?!"

"Because that's just how you are," Jirou said with a huge shrug.

"I'm just really nervous, ya know? I've never really dated someone. I've always just liked people and they didn't reciprocate so I moved on." I scratched the back of my neck, running my hand through my hair, which was down at the moment, and sighing.

"You'll do great Kiri! You and Bakugou, no matter what, are best friends! So honestly, it won't be much different than usual, just that you're going as a little more than best friends," Mina said with a bright smile as always.

"Yeah, yeah. Right. Okay. I just hope it goes well and all of this goes well so I don't loose my best friend after all of this."

"Kiri you always think too much. It'll be absolutely perfect, don't even worry about it! You are an amazing person and Bakugou recognizes that, so it'll be perfect."

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. Thank you, Mina."

"Anytime, hun, anytime. Anyway, I wanna play minecraft while Jirou and Sero take about a million years to finish the game they just started because we all know
they'll play forever."

"Yep. Let's do it."

Kami came over and sat down, and we set up the Xbox. We signed into Mina's account and went back on a survival world she, Kaminari, and I have been working on for awhile now.

It was funny to watch Kaminari spawn in a deep deep cave he must've been mining before and then die almost immediately because he didn't realize what he was doing. Good thing Mina keeps cheats on for Kaminari specifically, since he used to rage... a lot... when we didn't have keep inventory on.

Ah, I had the best friends ever.


this was a mega filler chapter that was hard to write but it's okay i did it! :)

i hope you are all doing good with everything happening, and keeping up with your mental health. i've started drawing a lot to have a little escape. i've also been posting some of it for once and it feels nice.

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