7. Suzuki

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I woke up to my alarm going off. It's Monday. I turn my alarm off and rolled on my back. Ughhhhh... I wanna go back to beddd...

Kirishima's shitty friends were bothering me all day yesterday. After I beat Mina at air hockey, I went on to beat everyone but Jirou. After that, we just walked around campus and ate again.

short lil time skip while Bakugou gets his ass ready.

I walked over to Kirishima's room and knocked, "Sh*tty haiiirrrr. Get your ass out here."

I could hear light shuffling within the room, "One sec! I'm coming!"

A minute later, Kirishima opened the door to his room, ready to go. We walked through his room to the door, walking out and locking it behind us.

As we were walking, it was silent. But now, of course, Tape face was here, and we were almost at school.

Scotch talked with Kirishima all the way until we got to class 1-A doors. I opened the door, and walked to my seat, not wanting to listen to their predictions of what school would be like today.

lil time skip again because this isn't important ack

Aizawa came in, as tired as usual, and everyone sat down. "Ok, class, for today's lesson we need to go to the sports festival stadium. We will be going with the whole hero course. That's all I'll say for now. You will know the rest later."

Most of us got super excited and started gathering their things and talking to their friends before we left. All I could think of, for why we'd be training with other years, was two things;

A. They are going to pair us with another year student test us and see how far we need to go.


B. We are going to spar with someone from our class in front of everyone, and then learn from others while they learn from us.

Kirishima must have been thinking the same thing, because he walked up and said, "No matter what, I can't wait to see the other years fighting styles. I'm especially excited for the 3rd years and your third cousin. Hey, will I get to meet her friend?"

"Oh. Yeah maybe, and same. Maybe not as much about Suzuki, but definitely the third years. I can't wait to see the looks on their face when I beat any and every opponent thrown at me," I smirked. Although I've toned it down recently, I still know I can beat all these losers (and Kirishima by a hair) at spars and such.

We all grabbed our costumes and headed out. Jeez. It's fucking cold out. That's why I made the changes I did to my suit. If I didn't, I'd be freezing and not sweat as much which would cause my quirk to be weaker. That would suck.

My thoughts were interrupted by Pikachu walking up, "Hey! Bakubro! Kirishima! Do you two have any ideas on what we are doing?"

I simply grunted. He took that as a 'yes but figure it out yourself dumbass' and shrugged it off. Kirishima chuckled, "Probably some sort of sparring."

Time skip

Correct. I was right. It was choice B though. I was kinda hoping it would be A, so that I could kick a third year's ass, but this is fine too.

After Midnight, Aizawa, and Present Mic draw lots for each of the years two classes, they started with third years.

It was truly amazing.

Other than the fact that they all had amazing strategies, they also had very powerful quirks. Most of the battles took forever, because both of them were so strong and weren't giving up. Determination.

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