10. wait- i grabbed his hand?!

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We were almost to the cafeteria, and Bakugou kept glancing at me. I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. I believe it's good, but I don't know for sure. "So, Mina, do you know what they are serving tonight?" I ask, breaking the silence that fell over us.

"Um... no I don't, at least for sure. I believe there's going to be more mac and cheese, though."

"Oh. Okay. Bakugou, you want more mac and cheese?" I turn to him.

"Um... yeah sure. I might get other stuff too though. I'm hungry."

"Ok that's fine!" I smile, and he smiles. My heart hurts. In love.

We walk in, and find the signature Bakusquad table. Seriously, we actually all sign up for the table, that's how we choose where we sit at lunch, and this is our table. They have that so people can't steal each other's seats and then get into fights. Personally, I think it's stupid to fight of something like that but people are crazy.

Speaking of, table signing is soon. we need to make sure we get our table before someone can steal it, even though i don't think anyone would because Bakugou is scary. One time someone tried to take our table.......

long story short, they failed.

We sit, and Kaminari looks at us. "So, you got the lovebirds?" He smirks.

"Yeah, it took ya awhile," Sero says, smirking as well.

"Kirishima has to change so that he could impress Bakugou," Mina shrugs.

"Hey! I never said that was why i changed!" I blush, hard.

"Well, was I wrong?" Gah. She's a meanie.

"Mmm...." I look down. I glance at Bakugou's seat an— he's not there? "Wait, where's Bakugou?"

"Oh he and Jirou left for food right when you guys got here. They must have been hungry." Sero points at Bakugou getting a big bowl of mac and cheese, and some chicken for him (at least I think the big bowl was for us to share but idk for sure). Then, his finger moved to Jirou getting a burger and fries. (idk why i had bakugo get chicken with mac and cheese but those are my two favorite foods)

Kaminari also got up and headed to the food, Sero and Mina followed. I just continued to sit here and wait patiently for Bakugou. I kinda wish he told me that he was this hungry. We could have come here earlier for him. Or maybe he was just suddenly hungry.... i dunno.

I wait for about 5 minutes and a hear a loud crash and yelling on the other side of the cafeteria. I turn, curious, to the direction of the noise and hear a loud Bakugou yell. oh great. Then, I see a stumbling Mina coming up and she yells, "They're back! The league!"

"W-W-W-Wait really?!" I jump out of my seat and Mina and I run to the action. The teachers are already heading in but I'm looking for Bakugou. He, luckily, hasn't blown anything up yet but he's gonna start real soon if I don't find him.

I was searching and searching, to the point where I even saw Suzuki and Miyazaki running out for help together, and then i saw it. A blond tuft. Katsuki Bakugou.

I run in the direction and immediately jump on him when i get there, as he was about to blow a fuse. He screamed and then realized who I was and raised an eyebrow.



"S-Sorry! I just didn't want you to ya know.. explode anything?" He gets up and grabs my hand and starts walking away from the action, as the teachers are backing us up and the league is really suckish today. They didn't even attack us there were just sitting there trying to look menacing. So, I was ok with going with Kirishima. (i'm sorry i'm really bad at fighting scenes so i just avoid them. also this attack was a random thing i decided to put in so i didn't want to add onto it too much and mess the book up)

Kiri and I finally stopped running when we got to the game room. There, I headed to get food while Kiri texted everyone else to make sure they were ok. I was still starving though, so i got a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch with Kiri to eat it. There were other kids here, some eating like me, some just waiting for this situation to be handled, and some look like they came earlier to play games like most people but then this all happened.

I looked over Kiri's shoulder while he typed, "K meet you there. I'll also be texting the 1A group chat to tell everyone Baku and I are ok."

"Where are we going?" I questioned, surprisingly almost done with my cereal.

While typing, Kiri responded, "We're going to our room to meet up with everyone once you are done with your cereal." He looked serious, and although it was really hot, I kinda wanted silly Kiri back. I guess I'll just have to wait for that.

Finishing up my cereal, I put the bowl in the sink and headed towards the door, Kirishima by my side. He seemed to still have the serious, stern, hot look on his face but I could tell he was a little shocked and scared at the whole situation so I thought of the best way to calm him down.

I grabbed his hand.


My face goes red as I look down at our two hands clutched together then look at Kiri, who was red faced and staring at me in shock. "I-I-I... I'm sorry you just looked a little like... scared.." I pulled my hand away.

Well, tried to. He grabbed my hand again and smiled a little bit. I could hear my heartbeat more than i could hear him, "I-It's ok... It's helping." The blush on our faces could be seen for miles as we walked up the stairs to the second floor.


look who's actually been writing. woohoo me. also i know this is late but thanks for 1k reads! it means a lot. i'll be trying to get these chapters out at a relatively consistent rate, but this ones a little early because I felt bad for taking forever. anyway, have a good day/night. i sneezed. byE.

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