8. Miyazaki

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The battles were super cool! But, I was starting to wonder when Miyazaki was supposed to go, and then I noticed he was gone. "Wait, where'd he go?" I tilted my head.

"Oh! His battle's up soon," Suzuki said, smiling.

"So, you really like him?" Bakugou smirked, not even looking at her.

Her face got visibly red and she laughed, "H-Hey! Shut it, Bakubrat!" She smacked the back of his head... hard.

"What was that for?!" He glared at her.

"For you being a bitch," She hmphed and looked back at the battle.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. By the time I looked back, the battle had ended. It was Miyazaki's turn. His hero costume was like a suit, with a long black coat, and he had bandages on one of his hands that I must have not noticed because of the longs sleeves on our uniforms and him crossing his arms. His pants were simple, he had bandages on his legs that you could barely see, and then boots on. (That might change I dunno I haven't fully designed him yet—)

As he walked up, he was really calm. Too calm... like... uncomfortably calm. It made both Bakugou and I shudder, and the look at each other. Suzuki laughed from behind us.

"Taryn Kurihara is who he's up against. Kurihara's quirk is Hider. He can manipulate the air around him to hide himself, and then he can reappear pretty much anywhere," Suzuki said, smiling. "I'm assuming Taka didn't tell you what his quirk is?"

"Nope," I say, popping the p. She lightly laughed.

"He's so stupid. His quirk isn't flashy, so I don't know why he's going you the difficult task of guessing it," she rolled her eyes in a 'haha he's stupid' way.

The buzzer went off, and that Kurihara guy immediately disappeared, then Miyazaki raised his left arm, and Kurihara appeared there, looking like he knew that was going to happen.

Suzuki started to explain, "This is the worst combination for this type of thing. Because it'll last forever. Taka is going to draw it out, looking at how calm he is. Take a quick guess, what do you think his quirk is?"

Midoriya looked up from his notes, "He can predict a little into the future! I don't know how far ahead, but looking this battle, he's predicted all of the moves so far. It's a really powerful quirk, if you use it right. Since he also has physical strength, that comes in handy. If he didn't, his quirk would be useless since he wouldn't be able to fight back!"

Suzuki laughed, "Smart kid! Also, he explained pretty much everything soo.. yeah. The only thing he left out, is he can look up to 15 seconds in the future. He's training to make it longer. But, let's just see how long this lasts."


Left. Block. Right. Dodge.

Ugh. This was starting to get boring. I put my hands in my pockets and started to walk.

Up. I jumped right before he appeared, and then kicked down when he did, hands remaining in my pockets. He went flying into the floor, but I didn't kick him that hard, so he got up and disappeared again. I waited patiently for-

Up again. He knows. He's starting to get sloppy and frustrated. I decided to just stay on the ground, and right when he appeared, kick up in the air as hard and fast as physically possible, then, I jumped up, getting above him and punching his stomach. He coughed, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Heh.

"Kurihara is knocked out! Miyazaki wins!" Midnight yelled. Jeez. We can hear ya just fine. I walked off, ready to go back up and close my eyes.

Time skiiiiiiip~


We were heading back on the buses. (Yes, I skipped the 1st year battles because they aren't that important, the battles were more of for Suzuki and Miyazaki's characters. oOpS lOl.) This time, we could go on any bus, so Bakugou and I decided to sit across from Suzuki and Miyazaki. Bakugou and I were listening music on my phone through my headphones. I was in the window seat, and Bakugo was in the aisle seat. I looked at Suzuki, who was leaning on Miyazaki. Actually, Miyazaki was leaning on her too. They were both asleep. They'd be a cute couple. Bakugou noticed them, then looked at me and smirked. I shook my head and mouthed, 'no' to him and he looked a little disappointed, but not upset or mad.

He just closed his eyes and smiled. Like, a genuine smile. It was cute. I leaned on the window, also closing my eyes. Then I felt something pull me over and my head was on something else. I open my eyes and look up.


He put me on his shoulder. I smiled and could feel the heat in my face. I closed my eyes again, and slowly, slumber took over me.


Kirishima was asleep on my shoulder, and I was scrolling through my phone, bored. Although, I could tell I was blushing because of the red head. Before they woke up, I took a quick picture of Miyazaki and Suzuki to send to her later.

In front of me I noticed Raccoon Eyes and Scotch, and across from them Ears and Pikachu. Oh shit.

They all, simultaneously, turned around and smirked, "Fucking creep asses," I whisper-yell.

I didn't notice the camera until it was too late. I just rolled my eyes, not wanting to wake the boy next to me. All of them giggled and went back to whatever the fuck they were doing. I feel like this is karma for me taking the picture I just took.

MoRe TiMe SkIpS

As we got to the dorms, people started to get their stuff together. I took this opportunity to wake the red head, who was now leaning into me. I booped his nose, and I could see his eyes flicker a little. Then I whispered, "Come on, Kiri, we have to get up soon."

"Mmmm... 5 more minutes..." he mumbled out.

I laughed quietly, "If you don't get up, I'm gonna leave you here on your own."

He slowly started to officially wake up, "Fine... but nap when we get home?"

"Yes, Kirishima, we can nap when we get home," I smile.

Next to me, I heard the shuffling of Miyazaki and Suzuki. They both made this weird snorting noise, looked at each other, then blushed. Then, they both looked away, embarrassed as fuck.

I snickered at Suzuki and she stuck her tongue out and hugged her tail. She did that when she was embarrassed. I then looked at Miyazaki, who was calmer, but still had a light blush. He was looking down at his lap.

I nodded at Kirishima to look at them, and he lazily did so. He snickered and looked at me, smiling. Then, he looked back out the window at the dorm building, looking like he was especially ready for a nap.

As we parked, everyone stood up. Once we were officially stopped and Present Mic said we could get off, we all poured out of the buses.

Raccoon Eyes walked over, and I rolled my eyes. "Hey you two! Wanna hang out?"

"U-Uh... we wanna go take a little nap... but later? After our nap we can go get dinner?" Kiri said.

"Yeah! Sure. I'll bring the Bakusquad with me!" She smiled.

"The what?" I snarled.

"Bakusquad. It's what we started calling our friend group!" She walked off after that. The Bakusquad, huh?

It's gotta nice ring to it, I guess.


i uh am just gonna stop apologizing when i update late cuz you guys are gonna get annoyed cuz i'll do it every time but i hope you liked the chapter. i'm on the bus rn and i reread this to make sure it's good lol. also, i'll be developing Miyazaki more once i actually know what i wanna do for Suzuki lol.

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