15. you're late

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"...we are dating." Deku and Half n Half smile as they both finish their sentence together.

"Mhm. I know." I shrug and begin to stand.

"Listen I know you don't like the both of us and you probably will think it's weird we are dat— WHAT???" Deku seemed more shocked that he expected me to be.

"You two are all over each other. You even got Icy Hot to use his left side. I just assumed," I push in my chair, about to leave.

"So now there are two relationships in the classroom!" Deku said, way too loud.

"Who's the second relationship?" Icy Hot asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

I was about to walk away when all of a sudden I hear the names shitty Deku spits out, "Oh! Kirishima and Kacchan are dating right?"

I whipped my head around, "KIRISHIMA AND I ARE NOT FUCKING DATING!" I turned my head back around and walked away. Stupid Deku is somehow the most aggravating person I have ever met ever. That fucking dumbass really thought Kiri and I were dating.

As I headed up the stairs to the second floor, Raccoon eyes came out of nowhere. "Hey Bakugou! Heading to your room?" She smiles.

"Hmph... yeah." I look away and try to just pass by, but she's unavoidable.

"Are you taking care of him well? Ya know, since he's sick?" She turns around and starts walking next to me. Greeeaaaat.

"Sure, you could say that." Then I realized I should ask, "How come everyone thinks we are dating?" I look at her reaction and she seems to be thinking.

"Did someone mistake that?" She tilts her head and pokes her cheek in a way.

"Yeah. Fucking Deku said we were when he decided to force me to eat with him and tell me that him and Icy Hot are dating even though I already knew that." I roll my eyes.

"Hmm... well it could just be because he is the only person you've really let into your life? I dunno. Most of us, your friends," she winks, "know you two aren't actually dating but we tease you because it's funny. If you'd like I can go talk to Midoriya."

"I don't care what the fuck you do, but can you leave? Kirishima is sleeping and I need to get back," we were at the end of the hallway, and I didn't want to walk closer and risk him hearing or waking up.

"Okay, fine, I'll go. Have a nice day Bakugou! I'll come visit later. Maybe with Kaminari and Sero since they said they were coming over soon." She walks away and I continued for the room.

When I got to the room, I quietly unlocked the door and walked in. I was surprised to turn to my left and see Kirishima awake on his bed, eating his ramen. He seemed to be watching something on tv. "Hey Baku," he said as I closed the door.

"Hi Shitty Hair." He paused whatever he was watching.

"You were at dinner, I assume?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, yeah I got some chicken. I wish you weren't sick and could have gone with me so I didn't get trapped with stupid Deku," I rolled my eyes thinking about the interaction once again.

"What did Midoriya do?" He tilted his head, slurping the ramen.

"Ugh... he caught me in the entrance and forced me to sit with him and Half n Half so they could tell me they are dating."

"Oh! Good for them! Not for trapping you... that's dangerous... but for coming out!"

"Eh the whole class already knew though so it's not a huge deal." I shrug.

"I mean yeah, but at least they were able to say it! Just be supportive!"

"Fine." I walk over and sit on the edge of his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. I think I might be able to go to school tomorrow. Do I have any work to make up?" He looks up at me after finishing the ramen.

"Oh, yeah, a couple things. The hero training today was just showing you're favorite special move you've made so far." I grab the now empty bowl of ramen and put it back on the bed side table.


*going back to when he woke up*

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. I just woke up and I already feel better. I turn my head to see... a bowl? I sit up and notice a note.

"Here's some ramen. If I'm not in the room I'll be back as soon as possible. Dunce Face and Tape Arms are coming over to visit later too so eat up.


Aww how sweet...

*back to now*

Bakugou hands me some papers from his bag and sits down in my beanbag instead of on my bed. "Thank you. Also when are Sero and Kaminari coming over?" I smiled thinking about them visiting... wait they had to have talked to Bakugo privately to organize a time to come over... I hope they were good.

"Uhhh... Soon. I said an hour when they asked and I was trapped in the cafeteria for about 30 minutes and then it's been like 15 minutes... so in about 10-15 minutes." He seemed to be doing all the math in his head. He must have had a ton of adventures while I was asleep if he spent so much time out of the room.

"Wanna watch this with me?" I turned my head to look at the tv, pointing the remote at it.

"What are you watching?" He pulled the beanbag over next to my bed, but I grabbed his arm.

"First off, you won't be able to see down there. Can you move the tv to that table by the bathroom door so we can sit like leaning against the wall on my bed?"

He nodded and began to move everything over.

(okay so like what I mean is like Kiri was laying long way on his bed, with the tv at the end like on a table or sum idk and then he moved to sitting short way on the bed so there would be more room for him and bakugo, and then the tv is obviously across from them... sorry felt the need to explain)

After he moved everything, he asked again, "Seriously though, what's this show about?"

"Oh! So pretty much they took 100 people, and they are running tests with them to see if certain stereotypes are true. One is if more attractive people get a shorter sentence in jail because they are better looking." I find this show really interesting.

"Hmm... okay cool. I'll watch this."

We watched the show for awhile... way longer than expected, as Kaminari and Sero were late.

There was a knock at the door and I paused the show. Bakugo rolled his eyes and stood up. As he opened the door he yelled, "YOU'RE LATE FUCKERS!!"


i'm writing so much i'm so proud of myself. having all this time in my house is really helpful ngl. anyway, have a nice night everyone :D

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