36. feral at the paparazzi

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I ran towards him, avoiding people walking by. "Hi Kirishim-"

I toppled him in a hug and we almost fell over, but he caught me. Not to be cheesy, but life at that moment felt like one of those slomos in the movies where the soulmates finally find each other again. That's right. He's my soulmate. "Missed you too, Kiri."

I released from the hug, noticing cameras and reporters and everyone looking at us. Most people were in shock. I mean, I did just hug the Ground Zero with no repercussions like getting yelled at or something. "How much on a scale of 1-10 would you say you missed me?" I put my hand on my chin, as if to think.

"Hmm... about a 6," he teased.

I gasped in offense. "Bakugou! How could you!"

He laughed, "Kidding. 11."

"That's right," I smile.

"Kiri! We gotta go! The reservation is soon!" Kami yelled from behind me. "Oh, heeeyyyy Bakubro!!" He walked up and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi Dunce face." He blinked at Kami.

"I gotta take Kirishima here from you! We're having lunch.." He paused, thinking. "Wanna come with?"

"No. I want sleep. I'll text you later and we can meet up or whatever the fuck you wanna do," Bakugou shrugged. "Same number?" He looked at me.

"Oh! Yeah! Same number," I nodded with a smile.

We said our goodbyes and headed to leave. Lunch was nice. But, I ate too much.. a drunk Mina made me do it. She kept shoving more and more food into my mouth when I said it was good. Eventually Sero stopped her and I was able to continue my night peacefully.

We went home, me being the designated driver as always. Mina, Jirou, and Momo all went in a separate car, heading to their apartment.

Later that night Bakugou texted me. We stayed up until 2am texting and telling stories and just enjoying each other again. I would've called if Sero, Kami, and Shinsou weren't violently playing Rocket League in the other room. (Seriously they were yelling so much. Especially when Kami forgot how to play so the other two had to reteach him.)

Eventually we said goodnight, and came up with a plan to meet up again with everyone. I missed him.. a lot.


"Kami you're so fucking stupid sometimes. The map on your phone is upside down. That's why we've been going the wrong way the whole time."

Currently, Shinsou was driving us to the bar where we were supposed to meet Bakugou. Mina was in the car with us, and we were all getting mad at Kami because apparently he couldn't even read a map on his phone. "WELL I DIDN'T KNOW MY PHONE WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!" He flailed.

"How did you not notice?" Mina deadpanned from the seat next to me.

"I don't know! It was confusing..." He grumbled as we turned around and went the right way towards the bar.

I pat his shoulder. "Bakugou's gonna be mad at you for making us late, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. He got mad at me all the time for being late in school. This will probably be like.. the same thing. Hopefully he's more tame now though," Kami sighed.

"I'm sure he is," Mina laughed. "I mean, he has to be at least slightly tame for the press and stuff."

"True. I don't think he can go fucking feral at the paparazzi," Sero smirked.

"I dunno, he is Bakugou," I smile.

After a bit, we arrived. Bakugou did get mad at Kami, yelling at him slightly and then them flipping each other off.  We walked in and sat down, Shinsou offering to get the drinks and dragging Kami along with him so he could help carry them back. "So, Bakugou, you never did say who you're staying with right now..?" I turned to him in the seat next to me. We were in a round booth.

"Suzuki. She's a fucking horror," he sighed. "Bitch doesn't even wash her dishes. She says they have to 'soak.'"

I laughed. "Sounds like fun!"

"It's not. Miyazaki and I had to fucking sit her down and teach her that 'soaking the dishes' is just procrastinating."

I laughed at him as he scowled to the side just thinking about it.


The night was... amazing. Us all getting back together was an absolute treat. Although, it was sad Jirou couldn't come. She said tonight was the might she planned on going on a date with Momo so we all cheered her on and let her live. I mean, being with her girlfriend was probably much better than just being with us all drinking and being chaotic.

The drive home was peaceful, and I had to make sure I remembered to text Bakugou when I got home since he told me to. I was still a little dizzy from all the drinking and getting slightly drowsy.

We walked into the apartment and I texted Bakugou. Then, I plopped on my bed, and blacked out.


I woke up with a terrible headache and my leg being asleep. How the leg being asleep thing could even happen was a mystery to me. I rolled out of my bed and slowly stumbled into the bathroom. I grabbed some aspirin and headed for the kitchen, where I saw Shinsou. "The cups of water are already out. I would've gotten the medicine but I didn't feel like it," He shrugged.

Usually I got the glory of being the only one without a hangover but because I had rubbed it in Shinsou's face so many times now I couldn't really say anything when he did the same to me.

I did roll my eyes a little, though, grabbing the water and chugging it while taking the aspirin. I then went back to my bed and laid on my back. I really wanted to text Bakugou back from last night, or see if he even texted me. But I decided not to, just because I didn't want my head to pound more. Slowly, while thinking, I drifted off into sleep.


wow another unedited chapter how could i- anyway if you see mistakes please tell me and i'll try to fix them

also my leg is asleep and i do it appreciate that of my leg how could it do this to me

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