30. just dance

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"BAKUGOUUUUUU WE HAVE TO GOOOO!!" I banged on the bathroom door a couple more times, "MINA WILL KILL US IF WE ARE LATE!!"

"Goddamn!! I'm coming!!" I heard a lot of grumbling until the door swung open. "Why is she even having a 'birthday bash' when it's not close to her birthday?"

"Oh, uh, well Mina has always had her birthday party around this time. She says that she would rather have it now because summer is typically too busy, and also she thinks that she should be allowed to have her birthday party whenever she wants since it's her birthday," I say with a shrug, turning around and heading back to my room to leave.

"Sounds stupid to me," Bakugou said, rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't really matter if it's stupid to you though, does it?" I laugh and open my door, walking out.

The whole class was going, but mostly in groups. Since Mina's house was walking distance from the school, we didn't see a need for everyone to take the bus or anything. Bakugou took so long getting ready, though, that we were kinda one of the last ones.

As we walked out, we saw Mineta trying to go but Jirou was stopping him. She shocked him with her ear jacks and then shrugged and walked out with Momo. Bakugou and I snickered as we left, turning to the path to get to Mina's.

It was a nice night. You could even slightly see the stars, despite all the light from the city. Bakugou and I intertwined our fingers and I swung our arms as we walked. This was the most we'd done so far. Just holding hands and cuddling. We both wanted our first kiss to be really special, and not just something we randomly decide to do as we're stuffing our faces with food or something.

Bakugou didn't really seem too ready to tell everyone yet, but neither was I. We always let go of each other's hands when we got too close to the class, or saw someone we didn't want to find out yet.

Right now, though, it was fine. The only other people in sight were Jirou and Momo, but those two seemed so preoccupied with each other that they didn't even notice. Plus, it's not like they don't know. They were there the day we confessed.


As we walked up to the house, we noticed many led lights all over the house. Inside and out. We walked up the sidewalk to her door, and knocked.

Sero was the one to open the door, and as it opened we let our hands go. "Suuupppp guys!! The parties already gotten started! Do whatever you want!" Sero backed up and let us walk in.

Looking around, he wasn't wrong. People were already drinking like it was their last time to drink before they die, and others were dancing and talking and playing stupid games and such. We walked into the living room where we saw Mina showing off her amazing dancing skills on Just Dance. She always used to beat me when playing that, so I wasn't surprised.

When the song ended, she looked at me. "Kiri. You're up! Play with me! You too Sero!" Sero and I went wide eyed, looked at each other, and sighed.

"Alright then," I said, walking up. Bakugou sat down on the couch, smirking at me being forced into this. I playfully stuck my tongue out and him and he rolled his eyes back at me. I smirked in victory.

As the song started up, I recognized it as the english song "Boss Bitch" that Mina had really liked lately. As the song started up, Sero and I looked at each other worriedly. There was no chance in us doing better than her at this specific song. When the moves started, Mina moved through them easily, every move seemingly in her DNA. I was doing alright, not really flowing as much as her, but still keeping my movements smooth and steady. Sero, on the other hand, just looked uncomfortable. He tried his best to dance, but he seemed really stiff.

That's surprising for him, as he's usually one of the people downing the alcohol. That loosens him up... a lot. As the song continued, I focused on just the movements. Mina was getting perfect after perfect after perfect. Sero and I were doing alright... getting many just greats.

Once the song was nearing the end, Sero and I were already tired. Mina was beating us by a landslide and we had both given up. The song ended, and many people clapped and cheered. Mina bowed and forced us to bow with her. After we got done bowing, I walked over to Bakugou and sat down with a sigh. "How'd I do?" I asked.

"Mm... Alright. Pinky took all the spotlight from you, though," He shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. She just has that aura about her. She always has," I smiled, looking down.

"Well damn don't beat yourself up over it. It's not a big deal. I mean, she didn't really draw enough attention to take my eyes off of you. Just everyone else's... nobody was really looking at Tape arms."

"Not a surprise. Want a drink?" I asked, standing and looking at him.

"Uh, nah, just a water or something. I don't care for drinking right now," He shook his head no.

"Alright. I'll be back. Don't get into any fights," I wink and walk into the kitchen.

On the kitchen table, Mina had set up a fake ping pong table and people were playing ping pong on it... Specifically Jirou and Shinsou. They were both going at it pretty hard. Kaminari was cheering both of them on from the side, along with some others.

I walked up to him and laughed, "Who's winning?"

"Jirou is winning by one point. Shinsou is so good at this, though! He already beat me," He scratches the back of his head with a defeated smile.

I laughed at him and patted his back, "It's okay, man, we all suck at some things."


i'm taking care of my neighbors dog and i love him he's so sweet. plus, they are letting me use their golf cart, so that's a vibe.

also this party won't be as long as the sleepover one i swear-

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