12. HeEEeEEeEEeeeeeeEeeEy

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I had to process his question, even though I knew the answer, "Yeah sure. Just head in my room and find something you like."


I walked into Bakugou's room and searched through his drawers, finding a black shirt, some baggy grey sweats, and medium height black socks.

I put the outfit on, and the shirt was really tight on me. I guess that makes sense as it is made to be tight on Baku, but i forgot which shirt this is. But it does show my abs..... so I'm ok. Plus, to top it all off my hair looked good being down in this outfit so I kinda looked like... hot, if i do say so myself.

I walked back into the bathroom and Bakugou was washing his hands. He turned to me and his jaw dropped. "You can literally keep that outfit if you wear it. Like all the time... U-Uh ya know to look more manly, not that I find it h-hot or anything, wait why did I mention that... but like um you can get your manly look you always aim for."


With my face as bright as a tomato, I turned back to the door. "Anyway, you ready?"

"Yeah. Also you look good too." All I was wearing was a red Lifeguard sweatshirt with black, baggy, loose drawstring pants (that I don't know what they are called but they aren't sweats), and high socks. I like high socks.

"Thanks.." I said and I opened the door and all four of the idiots looked over, all smirking, and giggling. Momo looked unamused.

"H-Hey guys...?" Kiri said, going to sit down on the bed.

"HeEEeEEeEEeeeeeeEeeEy," Pikachu said, "Did you have fun?"

I burst out into laughter and everyone looked at me like I was insane, except Kiri, who was laughing with me.

In between laughs I managed to say, "Y-Yeah... We did. We... had a lot of fun tricking you." Kiri and I continued laughing like no tomorrow and everyone, but Momo, looked at us confused.

"You guys really couldn't tell how fake that was??" She asked, lightly laughing with us.

"YOU FAKED THAT?!?!?!????!!!!!" Mina screeched.

"YES!!!!" Kiri and I yelled at the same time.

Then there was a ringing. An announcement? "All UA students: the coast is clear. You may leave the dormitories once again."

"Oh cool." Jirou said. And then there was a pounding on the door.

"I'll get it," I said, rolling my eyes.

I opened the door and it revealed a poofy-haired-golden-eyed girl. Oh fuck.


Suzuki tackled Bakugou, everyone scrambling out of the way as she punched him in the shoulder.

"WHAT THE FUCK SUZUKI?! WHY ARE YOU PUNCHING ME YOU ASSHOLE?!?!" (btw sorry I have to like censor curse words but like if my mom ever snatches my phone and finds this I don't need her yelling at me because i WrOtE bAd WoRdS oN a StOrY *edit: ahahahah i took all those out so if you are new um yeah don't even worry*) He yelled at her, and Miyazaki slowly walked in and closed the door. Walking over, he pried Suzuki off of Baku and held her so that she couldn't attack him again.

I helped Bakugou up while we let Suzuki chill a bit. She seemed to calm down, but Miyazaki refused to put her down. "You didn't text me and Aizawa never got back to me." She said, her dark-golden eyes staring knives into Bakugou.

I looked at everyone else, who were now standing near the door of the bathroom, while Suzuki and Miyazaki were by the door, and Bakugou and I were near the bed. "Sorry. I needed to shower. Then I forgot."

"Well you are a fucking dumbass." She stated, her piercing eyes starting to get soft as usual.

I never really noticed eyes until now, actually. I really liked Bakugou's, the crimson had its own flare that made them different to my own. They had this look, and it was always there, and when he looked at you, you could just feel he was looking into your soul, even if he wasn't. It was weird, but amazing.

After realizing I was staring, I quickly looked back at what was happening, but Mina must've caught me staring because she winked, and I was suddenly a color much darker than Bakugou's eyes.

Then that drew everyone's attention to me. Oh greAt. "You ok?" Suzuki asked.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fiNe! I uh...." I don't have an explanation for why my face is red oh no.

"Are you sick?" Bakugou asked. He stepped up to me and put a hand on my forehead. "You feel a little warm but not sickly warm. How about you lay down, the idiot squad and Momo go to their dorms and calm down from the incident, and Suzuki, Miyazaki, and I can go work stuff out in my room. Ok?"

Everyone nodded and moved accordingly. Bakugou tucked me into my bed and waved a little as he headed to his room. "I'll be right back. Don't you dare go anywhere."

Well then. I got my phone and opened up Instagram, scrolling through my feed.


I sat on my bed, and the two lovebirds sat on my couch. "So, um, I guess I feel bad for not texting or whatever," I shrugged.

"Yeah, as you should. I thought they hurt you or something!" Her eyes still slightly piercing, she looked to her side. "You know I worry.."

"Yeah, I.... I know. I should have texted right after Aizawa left, it was a bad, bad mistake."

"Mhm.." Her fluffs of hair bounced as she nodded her head.

"So, that's your form of an apology or something?" Miyazaki asked, honestly confused.

"Yeah. I'm not good at apologies, but she knows how I feel."

She nodded once again, and grabbed Miya's sleeve. "L-Lets go. Sorry I got all mad and shit.."

"It's fine you asshole."

"I'm glad fuckface." She giggled as she got up and Miyazaki....blushed?

I could only slightly hear him whisper, "T-That was cute," as I walked behind the two through the bathroom and back to Kirishima's room.

We got back into the room and Kiri looked confused. "You resolved an argument without yelling? That's a first."

We all laughed, and I led Miyazaki and Suzuki out. Then, as Miyazaki was walking out after her I whispered to him, "I know you think she's cute and all but break her heart and I'll kill you." Then I closed the door.

"So, I'm sick?" Kiri asked.

"Apparently I guess." I shrugged.


So, how is everyone? I'm doing pretty uh badly but you know what it's fall so I don't care :) anyway, I hope you liked the chapter.

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