9. when you gonna tell him?

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Bakugou and I were walking to our rooms, and I was yawning every minute. I was tirrreeeedddd. Bakugou could tell, so he was trying to slow down for me and make sure I didn't fall asleep then and there. That was surprisingly nice for him.

As we got to my room, I grabbed my keys, missing my pocket a couple of times from how tired I was. Unlocking the door, we walked in and plopped our stuff down. I laid down on my bed and sighed. "I'm soo tired.." I groan.

"Then go to bed, ya stupid," Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully, heading to the bathroom.


"Hm?" He turned back, crimson red eyes staring at mine.

"Can we watch a movie? I'm tired, but I don't wanna sleep," I smile weakly.

"Ugh. Fuckin' fine," he mumbled. "Lemme go change first, though.."

He walked through the bathroom and to his room, closing the door behind him. I whispered a, 'yes!' Before grabbing my laptop and going to Netflix. What to watch... what to watch...

The Lion King it is... (Ella: I know that's not actually on Netflix but pretend it is..)

A couple minutes later, Bakugou walked back into my room, grunting and laying next to me. I show him the laptop and he rolls his eyes. "Really?"

"Yes! It's the best movie ever!" I smile.

"Mmm...ok then," he snorted as if it was a joke.

"What would you rather watch then?"

"Horror," his smirk could be seen from a mile away.

"No, Bakugou. I'd rather not scream like a little girl right now. I just want something nice to watch, although it can be sad at times."

"Kiri, you're too soft," his smirk went to smile.

"I know!" I poked his cheek and pressed play.

He sighed and I got comfy, keeping at least a little distance between Bakugou and I.

Time skip

"Nobody likes you Scar!!" I was yelling at the screen, Bakugou laughing at me.

"Kiri, it's a movie."

"Not just any movie!! It's The Lion King!!"

"Oh whatever," Bakugou rolled his eyes.

I huffed and continued watching. We were slowly starting to cuddle with each other.

after the movie

As the movie came to an end, I woke up from my slumber, but I was still a little tired, so now Bakugou and I are playing Jenga on the floor. "It's tipping, Bakugou."

"I realize that!! You're mean for setting this up so it would tip on my turn!!"

I laughed, "That's how you play the game!!"

We had low music playing in the background, and it was a little dark out at this point.

Bakugou was in the middle of pulling a piece out when someone knocked. He jumped a little, because of how focused he was, and the tower fell. "I win." I winked and got up to get the door.

I could hear Bakugou getting upset behind me as I opened the door, revealing Mina. "Haaaayyyyy!!!" She yelled as she strolled right in.

"Hey..?" I tilted my head.

She turned around and smiled, "It's hangout time! I gave you three hours! I think that's enough time for a nap and more. Did you two cuddle?"

"Ye—no...." I'm dumb. Bakugou didn't look fazed though.

"Wow. Horrible save," she smirked. "Anyway, time to go!!"

"Where?" Bakugou asked before I could.

"Dinner and then the game room." She was already heading to the door again.

"Okay. Let me get ready. Bakugou are you ready or do you need to change?" I smile at him.

"Well we aren't going anywhere important so I'll just head out in what I'm wearing. Hurry, Kiri. I don't want to be stuck with Raccoon Eyes for too long."

I laughed. "Hey! I'm not that bad! I'm better than Kaminari!" Mina screeched.

"By how much?" He smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and shut the door as he walked out to wait in the hall with Mina. Now, what to wear. I need to dress to impress. But just impress Bakugou because I don't care what others think.


"Sooo... when are you gonna tell him you like him?" Pinky smirks.

"Wha?" I do the head tilt think that Kirishima spread onto me, but when he does it it's adorable and with me it's just not.

"You like him and you know it, so why don't you tell him?" She perks up like a dog waiting for a treat. Ew.

"I-I never said I liked him," I, at least try to, coldly state.

"You stuttered! Haha!" She continues smiling as we hear the doorknob turn and Kiri walks out.



All Might.

He was wearing an champion sweatshirt with ripped jeans. Ripped jeans. He also had a pair of vans (checkered, of course) but they weren't the slip on ones. His hair was down, too. ALMDJDKFNWINDBFIAAN FUCK MY LIFE. "Bakugou? You okay?" He tilted his head while scanning me. THE HEAD TILT IS THE LITERAL FUCKING ICING ON THE CAKE.

"Y-Yeah, Sorry. You kinda scared me," I practically choke out. I seriously feel underdressed.

"Hehe! Ok let's go!" Pinky says as annoyingly cheerful as ever.

We start walking to the cafeteria and I'm glancing at Kirishima at least 50000000 times a minute. He just looks amazing. And it's not that I'm all about looks, but when someone looks this good I can't help it. Also, I'm starting to wonder when I became so gay. Probably when I met Kirishima. Yep, definitely. "Sooo.. Kirishima what's with the nice outfit?" Raccoon Eyes asked.

"Oh, I uh, haven't gotten to 'look nice' in awhile so I just thought I'd dress to impress now." He blushed. Cute.

"Oh! You definitely impressed, right Bakugou?" She says the last part in such a sly tone that even I'm scared.

"Ye-Yeah, Kiri you look nice. That outfit suits you," I can just feel the heat on my face.

"Thanks!" He smiled, again, and it's like the sun is standing in front of me.


hah... hahah...... hah..... it totally hasn't been a month. PFFFT nO. i'm sorry. I wanted to pre write a chapter before i got another one out, and that took me forever, but the next chapter is almost done which means i can work on the next chapter after that, then i can publish chapter 10. (this is chapter 9) ButTtTttT, i hope you enjoyed. I don't think I've really edited this one either so I am deeply sorry for the mistakes. anyway, ima continue working. bYe.

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