32. thats how aging works

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time skip to 2nd year (whoa i know big jump... things are gonna start moving faster)


"Bakugou! Wait up!" I huffed as I ran to catch up with my boyfriend.

"It's not my damn fault you woke up late," he rolled his eyes, stopping.

"And yet, you still waited! How kind of you," I sang, catching up with him.

"Mhm. Whatever. Let's get this damn test over with," He grumbled.

I smiled, "Well, we both studied really hard, so I think we'll do fine!"

"I would do fine no matter what," he smirked at me, "you're the one I'm worried about."

I gasped in offense as we walked out of the dorms and headed towards the school, "Hey!"

I then felt a body jump on top of me and I was on the ground. "Goddamn it Dunce face! Stop jumping on my boyfriend every fucking morning!"

"But Bakubroooo, I just missed him so muchhhh," He whined from on top of me.

"Kami you see me every day. In school. Or in the dorms. Or when you randomly come over to my house. Or when-"

"Okay, okay, I get it! I see you a lot! Shinsou says I see you more than him," He scratched the back of his neck as he got off of me.

"It's because you do," Sero laughed, walking up.

This was how most mornings were. Bakugou and I would start out alone, and then it turned into these two joining us. I never minded, though, and I don't think Bakugou cared either. It was honestly nice.

We walked all the way to the school building, chatting and commenting on the way. We even saw, and pet, a stray cat... well I pet it. It didn't like the other guys. We got to class and walked over to our desks, since this year they were all close. I laughed as Kami made a paper airplane, threw it, hit Iida, and got scolded by the latter. Sero was eventually able to get him out of the scolding, and soon Aizawa walked in. Bakugou landed a fierce kiss on my lips before licking his own and smirking, walking to his desk not far from mine.

I became a red mess as people whistled and cheered. He did that every day since the day we announced we were boyfriends, and it left me a blushing mess.

Bakugou and I decided to officially become boyfriends on the way back from Mina's party... we left early.


"So, what do you wanna call us now?" I asked.

"What have we been since our first date?"

I laughed. "Boyfriends."

"Damn right," Bakugou said, smirking.

Even that made me blush.


Then about a month later we revealed it to the class.

another flashback

We walked in, hand and hand. Nobody thought anything of it. People just smiled and waved at us as we walked to Bakugou's desk... and Bakugou didn't like that. He didn't want to directly announce it, but he did since nobody seemed to get the hint.

He climbed onto his desk, Iida immediately scolding him. "Bakugou! Get off of that desk right no-"


"Fucking dating? So you guys have already gone that far?" Kami teased.

"Kami shut up," I laughed.

Everyone began to ask questions, I answered all of them.


I sat down. Aizawa rolled his eyes, seeing this action happen every day and never even trying to stop it. He began the class like normal, starting off with going over the hero news and then continuing with classes like english and such.


As we walked to the dorm, I remembered that tonight we were planning on eating dinner with Suzuki since it was her birthday. "Hey, did you say happy birthday to Suzuki?" I asked, turning to him as I said it.

He grumbled a bit, "Yeah. That girl gets older and older every year. She's like an old lady."

"Well, that's how aging works, Bakugou," I laughed. "I told her we'd eat dinner with her tonight so you better be ready to go by 5."

"Is everyone else coming? Don't they like her?" We walked into the dorms and headed for the elevator.

"Oh, yeah, everyone is gonna be there. We're just eating dinner like normal but Suzuki and Miyazaki will be there," I smile.

We got into the elevator and Bakugou pressed the button for our floor. "I think Miyazaki said he was going to finally fucking ask her out," He smiled a little but then stopped as soon as he realized.

"Well that's good. I was sick of their banter," I laugh.


"Hey guys!" I greeted as we sat down at our table. Everyone was already here.

Bakugou sat down next to me, and then shoved a bag at Suzuki. Her present, apparently. I didn't even know he got one for her until he informed me right before we left.

She smiled, "Thanks, Bakugay," she laughed.

Taking it out of the bag, her eyes brightened. It was a rectangle box, and she opened it. She squealed a little, and then I saw what was in the box. It was a pair of glasses with a clear frame. She took off her glasses (that I found out she only wears when she's at home or at the dorms) and put the new ones on. "You like 'em?" Bakugou asked.

She nodded frantically, "Thank you."

"Yeah yeah, you needed new glasses," He grumbled.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter as Mina made jokes, Kaminari was dumb, Sero made fun of Miyazaki, Jirou and Bakugou got into an argument about mac and cheese, and Suzuki told childhood stories.

I was really glad I had everyone I did. Class 2-A was amazing, Suzuki and Miyazaki were amazing, and my life overall was going amazing.

I wouldn't trade it for anything, quite honestly.



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