31. insomniac vs pomeranian

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I had been watching ping pong for so long I forgot to go back to Bakugou, but it ended up that he just walked up to me and eventually started to join in on the ping pong competition.

Right now it was Shinsou vs Bakugou, and they were both doing really well. Shinsou had a quick reaction time, so Bakugou violently hitting the ball so it'd go faster didn't really work on him. Also, no quirks were allowed, just to make things fair.

Bakugou whacked the ball and Shinsou dodged, the ball never hitting the table and Shinsou gaining a point. "FUCK!!" Bakugou yelled, throwing his paddle down.

"Haha! Looooser!" Kami mocked from beside me.

"SHUT THE HELL UP HE HASN'T WON YET!!" Bakugou grabbed his paddle and got back into position.

Shinsou smiled, shaking his head lightly and serving the ball. Bakugou hit back with tremendous force (like always) but Shinsou swiftly received and hit it back into the left corner. Bakugou got it and hit it again, this rally continuing for awhile.

Eventually, when Shinsou had to go to the front to receive, Bakugou hit the ball hard and fast over to the exact opposite corner and got a point.

Momo was doing the scoreboard now, and it said Bakugou was at 17 while Shinsou was at 18. It was now Bakugou's turn to serve, and he did so, actually getting a point from it. Shinsou was almost able to get it, but he just missed by a little bit.

Bakugou served again, this time not getting the point, since Shinsou received. Their rallies went on and on, and more people were gathering around and watching. Eventually, even Mina came over. "Oooo! What's going on over here?" She asked as she walked up next to me.

"Ah, these two are fighting it out with ping pong. They are playing best out of three. Shinsou won the first one," I smile as I look at her.

"Oh! Hmm... You can do it Bakugou! Beat his ass!" Mina cheered. "But Shinsou, dong let him win! He's an asshole!"

"Who the hell are you cheering for?" Sero asked from the other side of Kaminari next to me.

"Both of them, of course!" Mina smiled wide.

"Shit the fuck up Raccoon eyes! I can't win if you're blabbing your ass off!" Bakugou snarled.

"Bakugou! It's my birthday party! Don't be rude!" She huffed.

I laughed at the banter. "Both of you just need to calm down."

"I don't think the pomeranian man will ever calm down, I mean, look at his angry ass," Shinsou laughed.

"Shut up you insomniac, and serve!!"

"Damn, alright then, asshole," Shinsou said hitting the ball over.

They continued for awhile, Bakugou eventually winning this round. They moved on to round three, where it was neck and neck the whole time. Eventually, though, Shinsou won and Bakugou got angry and chased him around the house. Eventually, we got him restrained, me using my quirk to cage him into a bear hug.

He was grumpy today, and I knew it, so maybe we shoulda just stayed at the dorms. Mina seemed like she didn't mind anything going on, though. She was actually smiling and laughing at everything. I brought Bakugou outside and we sat down on Mina's parents swinging chair on their porch. I was lightly swinging us, looking up at the sky while I did.

Bakugou was on his phone, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. I would join him in the mindless scrolling, but I wasn't really up for it. I preferred just watching the stars and seeing if I could find any constellations. I couldn't, honestly. I had always been bad at that. "Kirishima," Bakugou suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? What?" I turned my head over to him.

"You think now is a good time for our first kiss?" He asked suddenly, face still at a monotone. "Sorry, I just, really wanna fucking kiss you right now."

"Well you're blunt today," I chuckled, and I knew my face was going red, "Sure, Baku, we can kiss."

He smirked ever so slightly as he immediately grabbed my shirt and pulled me toward him fiercely, as if he had some sort of hunger for me. Our lips hit each other and suddenly I forgot the world. My eyes closed. Bakugou's lips were soft but had a toughness to them, like his personality. The kiss was also a lot like how I assumed this relationship would go, Bakugou's fierceness to it and me trying to keep it slightly gentle. I slowly melted into it, and I think he did to. Our lips moved in sync, and I never wanted to stop.

We split apart and my eyes fluttered open. "Mm. We are doing that more often," Bakugou stated and I laughed.

"Alright, we can do that more often." I smile at him and we both look up at the stars, just cuddling in our seat.

That stopped when Mina suddenly slammed the door open, "GET YOUR ASSES BACK IN HERE, ITS PARTY TIME NOT DATE TIME!!" She screetched and stomped back inside, leaving the door open for us to walk in.

I laughed and walked back in, Bakugou following. We went to the back where everyone seemed to be located, night swimming in the pool.

Soon, Sero brought a cake out for Mina. We didn't sing or anything, though, since that's always so awkward for everyone. We just yelled happy birthday as she blew out the candles.

Jirou cut up the cake, us getting in a line for a slice. Bakugou and I sat on some beach chairs and ate our food, watching as people were being stupid in the pool. Kami kept dunking Midoriya into the pool, Iida then yelling at him saying it was dangerous. Bakugou would then cheer him on, and Kami would obviously let go. Kami wasn't actually trying to hurt him.

There were also a couple of the girls in the corner hitting a pool volleyball around amongst themselves. Some of the guys even carried the ping pong table outside and were playing.

Honestly, this was one of my favorite parties I had ever been to.


sjndmamdmsm i'm bad at kissing scenes i'm sorry

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