35. top fifteen

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the day of the convention thingy idk what to call it


"Kiriiiiiiiii lets go get some fooooooddddd," Kami whined from beside me.

"No! We are having lunch after this," I rolled my eyes.

"I don't careeee," He continued to whine.

"Kaminari. Shut up. No one cares. Let's just go to the room where they'll line us up for the announcements, they're starting soon," Sero said, looking at a map and then walking in the direction I supposed the stage was.

We finally got to the back room and I looked around to see a few faces I recognized. There was Midoriya and Todoroki, on time like always, Tsuyu, Uraraka, Iida, Tokoyami, and so on.

A lady led us around the back area, showing us a waiting room, the bathroom, and where we'd go onto the stage. Once she left, we decided to sit in the waiting room for Mina and Momo, hoping Mina wouldn't cause them to be late (like normal). Jirou would be in the audience, as she was just off the cut of top 15. She didn't mind, though. She loved just cheering us all on and doing her hero work as always.

We chatted with some classmates, and even talked to the big three from back in school. Everyone seemed really happy, especially Midoriya and Todoroki, who just got engaged. I was really happy for them.

Eventually, when I heard screaming down the hallway about a "stupid raccoon going down in rankings" I knew Bakugou was here. I suddenly began to worry, but it didn't matter, because Mina and Momo were walking through the door, Momo going over to the newly engaged couple and Mina coming over to us. "HEYYYYYY!!!" Mina jumped on Kami, Sero, and I on the couch.

"Hey Mina!" We all smiled. She really lightened the mood, not that it was low in the first place.

Soon, a ringing noise was heard, alerting us we were going to be lined up on stage. They brought us out in order. Bakugou/Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Mirio, me, Tamaki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Kami, Nejire, Sero, Shinsou, Keiko, Uraraka, and Momo.

The curtains were shut, and we could only hear the distant sounds of the speaker lady, who was the one who showed us around. Her name was... Ella? I think? I couldn't remember. "Are you all ready to see the top 15 heroes?!" She yelled. The crowd was loud as they all screamed and cheered.

The curtains were drawn, revealing the blinding lights. My eyes adjusted just a bit, and then I looked out at the crowd. I couldn't see any faces, but I could tell how many people were out there... and it was a lot. "Okay everyone!" Ella smiled into the microphone. "We will start off with Creati, and move up the line!"

She walked over to Momo and handed her the microphone with a smile, walking over to the side to wait. We went up the line, just saying our names, the crowd cheering, and then saying a couple words before passing it to the next person. Tamaki passed the mic to me, and with a shaky hand, I grabbed it and smiled. "I'm Red Riot," the crowd cheered more than I thought it would, "And I really hope you guys can live a safe life with me around!" I smiled as the crowd cheered.

Mirio and Todoroki went, the latter then turning and looking at Bakugou and Midoriya from next to him worriedly. I mean, it was weird having two number one heroes.. It hadn't really happened before. Midoriya took the microphone and smiled. "I guess I'll go first so Kacchan can go last. I'm Deku." The crowd cheered louder than ever, as expected since he was number one.

He said his thing and Bakugou went next. "I'm Groud Zero," The crowd cheered equally, if not more, than for Midoriya. "And you're lives don't suck ass because I'm here." There was a lot of laughter and cheering, as we all expected him to say something like that.

Bakugou and Midoriya have a little speech, and then we were dismissed to go talk with fans. I went to my booth and sat down. I was sharing with Sero, since we decided to do so. It was nice, just meeting fans and taking pictures and talking with them.

It was so much better when things like this were planned, rather than the news people stopping Sero and I as we looked for ice cream to cry and eat as we watched sad movies last night. (It was bro-cry night yesterday.)

The line was about halfway done as someone I recognized walked up to the booth and I got ready to hand him a photo I just signed. "Hey Kirishima!" It was Miyazaki!

"Hey Miya!" I smiled happily, hugging him from over the booth.

"I don't need a picture, just wanted to say hi! My aggressive girlfriend also told me to say hi for her too. She said she'll come and visit sometime, but if you think that's awkward I'll tell her she's creepy for you," he smiled.

"No, no! I'd love to see her! I want to know how she's doing!" I scratched the back of my neck with a bright smile.

"Ah alrighty! We'll see you sometime soon then! Have a good day, Kirishima!" He waved at me, and I waved back.

The rest of the meet and greet went as planned, no creepy fans or things going wrong. Once the meet and greet portion was over, we walked around the building, looking at all the food items, artists selling merchandise, and other things being sold.

Kami even bought this really random wood carving of a wolf. He said he just thought it was cool. Mina also got some art from an artist she said she really liked. She said they made art of a show Haikyuu that I had never heard of. When I asked she just rolled her eyes at me and waved me off, admiring the art she bought.

We then got ready to leave and go to lunch, when I saw him. He didn't notice me at first, but when he did, I felt a pull towards him. I decided it was the right time.


yeah, i did put myself in this book as the announcer because i didn't feel like coming up with a name

i'm so sorry if there are any errors i don't feel like going through and editing... anyway, i hope you liked the chapter! it took me awhile to decide who i wanted to be in the top 15.

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